Stop removing portals

Yeah in the 14 years I’ve been playing the last couple of years have been the worst; At least in my opinion.


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to KNOW that it’s going to take more time to do things that we used to do.

Why compile any data on how much more time it will take when it as plain as the nose on our face; They take shortcut portals out of the game and it will take more time; Even a first grader could figure that out.


You don’t know much about the guild, or it’s history of helping the playerbase and providing various information for years, if you’re taking that name seriously and only at face value. Let’s stay away from attempting to bash individuals, and stick to the topic - what it does, why it’s upsetting, and how it could be fixed/bettered.


The level of hubris and disconnect from the players this game director has shown is absurd. If you want to fix WoW and have folks flock back in droves… undo the damage that is and has been done. Restore our toys. Restore our portals. Restore our abilities. Restore our trees. There’s a lot that’s been removed under his watch and it’s only made things worse, IMO, of course.


You’re right I don’t know and trust me when I say that I meant no harm in what I said on a personal level towards anyone, I was simply replying to the individual that had replied to me.

As for what can be fixed/bettered if you look at my post history you will see a lot of ideas on many threads however everything we have posted in these threads have fallen on deaf ears in the past couple of years.

If the ideas don’t increase their time metrics then they don’t listen, Recently that’s all it seems that Actiblizz cares about anymore.

What Blizzard should have done with the new portal room was have it phased to you, with a single, center platform, and a mage standing nearby. You talk to said mage, and click on a dialogue box to get him to cast a portal on the platform to where you wanted to go. Nice, simple, no lag, no players standing on top of portals. All the portals could be included. No reason to cut anything out.


^ I think more and more people are starting to honestly feel this way. People post here on the forums because they love(d) this game, they are deeply invested (time, money, emotional attachment to their characters, etc.). But…and it pains me to say this…the WoW that I fell in love with no longer exists. And I think I’ve finally woken up to the fact that it isn’t coming back. Ever.

I held out hope through the last three expansions that maybe, somehow, someone who had enough sway at Blizzard would realize how much the devs or the suits at Activision or whoever is driving these changes, are “wimping” this MUD. I’m referring to an article written waaaaay back in 1997 that is still, believe it or not, relevant today, and especially relevant to WoW.

I’ve linked it on alts before, but alas, I don’t yet have the rep with the Forum Faction for the trust level to do links yet. Just use your google fu and type in mud wimping. It’s in memorable places and is likely the first link to come up. I really, really wish Ion would read it and take it to heart.

Anyway, my point, I guess, is that people eventually stop caring as much, especially when they get ignored over and over. When people stop fighting for what they love(d), apathy sets in and they start looking for something to replace the newly created hole/void. If Blizzard doesn’t really care anymore (and it becomes more and more obvious that they care about nothing else but the Benjamins), why should I? Why keep fighting for something that is never coming back, why should the player base be so at odds with the devs in the first place?! It just wears a person out. Too much drama, indeed.


P.S. As a mage, I think removing the portals is STUPID. Even if I COULD charge and ask for tips (I never do charge), more than 80% of the time, the people who want them are CRZ, so I can’t get gold from them anyway, with how wonky sharding works. -_-


I don’t know how many times during a Holiday event a mage offers up a port and I want to be courteous and offer a tip but I can’t. Sucks. Yeah, it won’t make or break the bank. But still, the mage was nice enough to offer a port. They didn’t have to do that.


There’s so many times that I’ve tried to give a mage a tip also ( I usually tip 100 gold ) but I can’t either due to the sharding and I can’t count how many times the mages would close the window and say ty but it’s my privilege to offer this at no charge.

I sure will miss the friends and courteous people I have met in this game, 14 years now……. Sad to see it all go down the tubes due to corporate greed.


what the hell? not a bit of this is a thing

Dam I haven’t read that in a long long time. :+1::+1:
Amazing how many game devs follow exactly the same path as old mud devs.
The memories, and oh boy I feel old now.
Change dot


Its not even the same game i started playing 19 months ago.
this reallly seemed to start getting dramatic for me maybe 12 months ago or so…when I started noticing it, anyway.

Will it impress investors?
If not, I doubt he’s even listening.

19 months invested for me. Sucks that it’ll be a loss, but Golf was much worse. Tens of thousands put in and cant break 82. I dont have the temperament for that.
I dont have it for this drama either.
1000 bucks in clubs tossed in a dumpster…and a video game I loved playing for going on two years deleted here soon.
time to move on…and its all on Blizzard and Ion.
Nothing about me changed in the last month or two.


Dam forum coders, I didn’t write that, I quoted it.
Do agree with him/her though.
Read the mud link, it is old and very good.
I had forgotten all about it.


Midlife Crisis:

Somewhere along the way the gods begin to feel pressured and they begin to withdraw. Slightly at first, simply going invisible, but they still talk regularly with players. But it does not stop, things slide more and more and they find themselves slowly cutting even simple player discussion down. Soon the Imms find themselves only talking to their peers. They start to see players as a bunch of whiney cheaters who are there simply there to take advantage of the generosity offered by the immortal staff.

Another thing that seems to happen about this time is that the gods begin to re-examine things that a year or six months ago were just fine and were accepted as normal. For some reason they reach a point where they find fault with things that were okay just a month ago. Imms also begin to care less and less about the PEOPLE on the mud, those who the mud was originally built to serve, and they begin to think more in terms of the CREATION - that is their computer-code, damage-tables, or the fact that people seem to be actually having too much success by leveling in a quicker manner than the gods think is reasonable.

In short the admins lose sight of the fact that people are having FUN , and instead choose to dwell upon the fact that the mud didn’t evolve, and players didn’t play in the way that they had pre-structured in their own minds.

OMG. Did we see a symptom being repeated here?


Does it really matter? People enjoy the ability choose their mode of travel, be it you flying where you want to go, or me using a portal. It isn’t breaking the game to leave a portal that has been in the game for 4+ xpacs alone. Instead of focusing on stuff like this, perhaps the game maker should focus on things that will bring players back. The list is pretty long.


Portals Need Stay Were the Are Portals are Quality of Life… The Devs are Morons for removing them other spots…Portal Room a good Idea but whats the point if going gramming everyone into Stormwind trade district… wow your world feels so big but look how small it is around Stormwind trade district fountain but its such a massive world now because we removed thing lets people get around portals in Old Hubs is really what hurting the game… No its Dumb Devs With bad ideas is Whats Hurting the Game! MAKE THE GAME FUN!!! AND STOP WITH HOW WORLD FEELS CRAP AND MAKE THE GAME FUN!!!


This is still going on? Why?!

This thread is just the same 20 people squabbling over and over again.

Blizzard isn’t going to change their mind. Learn to deal with it and get over it, or move on to another game. Those are your choices. Trying to shout down the game devs and cm’s isn’t going to work.

Who say anything of such,where? and prove we are trying to shout down the game devs and CM’s .

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There are seven characters now at over 100 posts in this thread (and a few others closing in). I understand the desire to see a topic reman on the front page, but isn’t there a point where feedback has been given and if the the discussion is still continuing with the same voices, it is probably going in circles?