Stop removing portals


I get that. I guess my point, which I did a shi77y job of explaining, is that they don’t want to over use cool things because then they wouldn’t be special, but always seem to reuse the same tired “fix” for every problem.

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No I understand your original comment. And it’s just another thing that needs to be changed because they clearly have nothing better to do.

You have to wonder how much time he spends “reminiscing” when he presses that button for the flight whistle that, ya know, INSTANTLY ports you to the nearest flight path. smh


No. No one likes that.

If you want to make the world feel “bigger”, how about you tell the devs to stop designing zones that are smaller each expansion. Compare Burning Crusade to Battle for Azeroth. Outland felt large. BfA feels like a chore.

Basically, if you remove portals and make me take longer to go somewhere, it doesn’t make the world feel “bigger”… it just makes me log out in disgust, because I have better things to do with my time than entertain this forced played-time metric.


This thread is still replying to Friday’s comments?

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Are we sure that Gallywix isn’t in charge of this game now?


Next expansion, ion will force everyone to RP walk around the world. No mounts, no flight paths, no flying, no running.

RP walking is IMMERSIVE and makes the world look big blah blah blah. Get ghostcrawler back ffs.


So you replied to a thread to point out it’s from Friday?


And Pardo.
And Chilton.


No, I don’t think our intelligence needs to be insulted anymore than Blizz already does.


Nah. Just prefacing the laughing orc. I figure that’ll be Bornakk’s reaction when he sees its up to 3000 posts tomorrow.

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Any added time is too much.


Fair enough, but since when has Blizz changed course after the response from the forums?

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I don’t suspect they’ll change their plans now. They’ve already committed to a date, and 8 days from that I find it highly dubious they’d make any changes. Plus, it’s Blizzard style to do about-faces after the fact, and spin it someway that makes them look like they’re listening to the players. Can’t ruin that chance by being proactive with changes!


Yeah, ain’t that the truth. I’ve never known them to admit their mistakes, they usually either fix it and spin it as good, or just never fix it.

Edit: My favorite about-faces are when the complaints go on for a long time and their response is “We’ve put too much time and money into this. We won’t change it.” In some pathetic attempt to get sympathy for the stupid thing they did.

Fun fact, they used that excuse for CRZ.


Oh, no!!! I hope they don’t read your post. They probably haven’t thought of that yet, but as soon as they see what you wrote … well, there go hearthstones.


It’s a very Blizzard attitude to take.

Remember when they were trying to convince everyone that the permanent removal of flying was a good thing? Bashiok kept coming on the forums and talking about how flying was terrible for questing, and kept spinning it as if flying over a quest magically completes it instantly. He totally neglected that there are NO quests in WoW that can be completed by flying over them, and that you have to land on the ground in order to fight anything.


Even mages have come out against removing the portals. They want to play the game, too … not deal with requests from random players every 5 seconds for a portal to here, a portal to there, a portal to over there, a portal to down the road, etc., etc., etc. Occasionally helping someone get somewhere is okay with them; but take away the portals and it isn’t going to be “occasional” any more – it’s going to be constant, even to the point of harassment if a mage says “no.”


We mages are very pro portal! We support keeping the portals as they have been during legion. We do not have portals to every place in the world, and we do not have time to sit in a city and offer up portals.