Stop removing portals

That got it down to 8 minutes. Thanks =).

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In my opinion: bring back Have Group, Will Travel for old content/everywhere except current expansion.

I have NEVER had so many people offer to help or do things as much as I did when we could summon them there. A lot of people now don’t mind helping, but they do mind the 3 portals (3 load screens), long flightpath, and then mount-flight over to where you’re at.

With hgwt, people were so down to go do old content/help with quests/kill rares/etc etc. It was amazing.

The quicker people can travel, the more they’re likely to go DO things.


Just learnt about this pathetic change.

At this point the game is so unfun and dying so badly that thanks Ion/devs you just made walking away from this game for good so much easier.

Also, as a great example, having a mount with a 1% drop chance (midnights eternal reins from kara) and the need to probably farm for him for the next 3-10 years alone wasn’t “making the world big again” enough for you that you now had to also make getting to him the most boring drawn out experience as well?

At this point… I just can’t even…


I miss Have Group, Will Travel so much. I remember how much time my guild wasted just getting places once it was removed. Before someone would just be parked outside, log in, boom. Everyone was there. We were raiding and doing engaging content instead of waiting for 2 people to get to the meeting stone to manually summon everyone one by one. Hell, just make meeting stones a 1 click have group, will travel.


I see you took and successfully completed Logic 101. Maybe if the devs had done so, too …


I don’t think it’s the devs as much as it is the executives. They’re chasing the wrong metric.

In game time per subscriber per month instead of things done in game per player per month. The dev team, trying to drive up the wrong metric, makes changes that negatively impact the game. They don’t change the metric they’re chasing but are confused on why people are quitting.

It’s sort of like a bad feedback loop until someone corrects the top.

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And thats the problem with making changes without testing the waters. You can end up driving people AWAY. My friends list has shrunk over the years because people just don’t like the direction the game is going. I’m a bit pigheaded and stubborn and have stuck around but Blizzard is doing their best to try and drive people like me away.

People who have been around since … well, since almost the beginning. And they’re pushing all the wrong buttons.


Removing the unique portals under Dalaran to more remote corners of the work (Wyrmrest, CoT, etc) is really annoying. Removing the portal from BfA content back to old world capital cities is also deeply annoying. I thought part of the point of this was to reduce portal tag. We can still get to the capitals it just requires porting to our Garrison, then to Warspear, then to the capital, but that’s just silly and not something we should have to do.

When announced I was excited for this feature. Then I saw the rooms on the ptr and was impressed with the art, kudos to the art team. Unfortunately now, over all, I’m just pissed off.

(Also sarcasm is NEVER a good look on CMs. It leads to confusion and hurt feelings no matter how much you’re trying to ‘connect’ with us and be like us. Rhetorical questions when you already know the freaking answer because everyone above you in the thread has already answered it (IE the bit where you ask why we’re mad that unique portals are going away) falls in to exactly the same category.)


Absolutely. It’s either them playing ignorant, or god knows what. This is something I picked up after the countless interviews and q&a’s that took place where I just came to a point asking myself, ‘‘Why wasn’t this caught this time around’’… several patches later and this happens over and over so all I see Ion do is constantly apologize or justify why they did what they did which didn’t help me at least figure out where there head is when they come up with their plans to implement these (seemingly) great idea’s yet fail to do any form of testing where it doesn’t end in them blatantly cherry picking feed back only to change it several months later.

Never giving honest answers, just cop outs using PR lingo.
A little honesty for me would see them in a different light.
A lot of the times it feels like disingenuous responses to hide that they messed up once again. Might just be me :sweat_smile:

Yeah, sadly, this. My FL is more and more of a ghost town because of not only the changes to the game, but the fact that it’s like WoW doesn’t understand the nature of the other games it’s competing against.

Meh. Im indifferent man. Vanilla it was all about the adventure for me homie. And heck flying make it so you can zoom past stuff any how. What I really don’t like is that SW/ORG is truthfully the only capital city worth going to. Its kinda weird that we have these beautiful places, like IF, with zero point to go to them.

If the goal is to make old world zones feel alive again then things like legion invasions are the way to go. Even Warfronts have done a decent job at this imo.

Time spent traveling through/over a zone =/= A zone having more “life”. It’s essentially a 10 minute loading screen


Ion was a DC trial lawyer. I’m not surprised at his answers. I don’t even think Ion is the problem.

I think it’s a C-level / Board of Directors level problem. I wrote 16 letters one to each Board member and C-level executive once, but that was when they removed flying. Maybe I need to do it again.


I hate this change. Please speed up flight paths and straighten out some of their lines if you’re going to do this. Even the gnomes have had teleport technology for YEARS at this point. Not magic…technology. You know they’d be plastering those everywhere.


I’d understand your point more if they weren’t releasing classic WoW. Let classic be classic, but my counterpoint is modern WoW needs to compete with modern games that are a lot more engaging.

I honestly see a release of BC/WotLK/Cata in 2 year intervals (or so) if Classic WoW is successful. Sort of like experience the expansions at your own pace.

I assumed as much when I found out he was a Lawyer and the higher ups do have more culpability in decisions, absolutely but he can’t be blameless. Ultimately a lot of it comes back to him, he said it himself in a Q&A this past year I believe and he’s right. It comes with the title. I’m not saying lambast him for everything but he definitely shoulders a lot of the design/testing issues that have happened.

I hear you. I just don’t really get the vibe of the current iteration being an MMORPG anymore. What constitutes a modern game? My belief? Get the basics right. For this, an RPG, I argue there needs to be a sense of adventure. A reason for me to engage with the world around me. Not go pick my dwarven belly button in Stormwind because that is where everything cool is.

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I might be giving him too much wiggle room. I’m not sure how much authority he has over WoW’s design versus the top. The more authority he has, the more disappointed they should be at the sub/revenue drop.

Absolutely, that ultimately stems from the game quickly evolving into a set list of instanced content. People came into the game either with the mentality of PVPing, Raiding, or Dungeons. That RPG element hasn’t existed for a very long time. But you are right and it is a formula to the MMOrpg genre that I don’t feel any one has gotten right yet. They either get the rpg right or the mmo but rarely if ever, both.