Stop removing portals

Almost 2000 players have voiced their disapproval of this removal of content and convenience. If this were 2007, Blizz’d have listened.


Wow has the largest world of ANY mmo. Making the world more annoying to get around in isn’t a constructive way to make it “bigger”, it will just intimidate and annoy people. How about adding dynamic, meaningful events across the world for all levels to enjoy, maybe cycle them between zones so we get a new place to rediscover each week? Then we have a GOOD reason to go there and will ENJOY it instead of HATE it. I just had an amazing mythic+ dungeon run last night and crap like this makes me wonder if i’m crazy for playing this game.


Why would it make the world feel bigger? Because now I have to manually press several flight paths and leave my computer for 5+ minutes at a time, instead of just being able to use the portal that I’ve used for the past many years ? I can’t really see how such a ridiculous reason was offered.

People can toss analogies around all they want; what doesn’t change is that you made something very convenient, I’m pretty sure for the same reason you’re now removing them: to get people engaged in content.

You realize, sometimes I clicked the Dal portal to Northrend literally to just fly around Dragonblight because it’s a beautiful zone? Well, now, with my limited play time, sorry, I don’t have time for that anymore. So goodbye Naxx farm and sight seeing.

You want the world to feel bigger? How bout making WQs for every single zone that change dynamically based on things you do in game? If I could make some gold flying to the Barrens to fight off something or heal some fallen comrades, you’re damn sure I’ll go there. __


I hope the massive amount of replies to this thread gets the attention from Bliz that it deserves. And that they reverse this very poor decision.


Isn’t the proper time to listen to feedback BEFORE you go ahead and make these changes? Asking how people feel about it, when it’s going live in 10 days, is meaningless.

It’s going live and they’re never going to touch it again. Bornakk is just giving lip service.


It’s like bombing a city and then asking the public “did we do the right thing?”

A wee bit late by that point.

…because they now design the game so only the top 1-10% get gear.

They could, you know, not do that.

Not everything was so heavily skill-gated in Wrath. Rotations were fairly simple priority systems. I had eight abilities in my rotation, but they came off cooldown fairly slowly. You didn’t have to be elite to do near your perfect output.

Even in Pandaria, you could get really good gear off the Timeless Isle if you worked hard for Burdens of Eternity.


They wont any more than they reverse the abomination known as pathfinder that only serves to annoy many of us but doesnt actually make us play the game. I just dont go where I dont have flight = less time I’ll end up playing this game in the end.

They wont back down…more players will have had enough…and they’ll lay off some more poor employees to pad their ‘earnings’, as per usual.


Except gear is more plentiful and easier to get than ever?

Imo to a detrimental level. I mean they pass out heroic raid level gear (old normal) for a unloseable 20 min scenario!


Or ability pruning.
Or putting tons of abilities on the GCD this expansion.

The current WoW dev team doesn’t make decisions with player feedback in mind. They go into their meeting room, decide what to do, and do it. And to hell with what the customers think.

It’s the Basil Fawlty school of management.


I got a hunch that they’ll let this game crash and burn, all servers offline, before they ever admit their devs, writers and dopes at the top are running the game into the ground with their moronic decisions.


When I take a portal to Pandaria Shrine I am not just sitting in the Shrine. That portal is the launch point for a world boss tour of sadness or a round of pet battle tamers.

That is a big travel package right there.

The world is not small.
Portals do not make the world small.
It is small because you aren’t using it the way other people are.


heh…Im not complaining or anything but my 120s were sitting at about 240 ilvl.
it took a few hours to get them up to 340. ONE evening.
I dont know but that seems a tad easy.
makes me wonder how quickly I could get to 400ish.


You actually can lose those, but otherwise I fully agree about the gear. I’ve done nothing significant this expansion–just WQs and the occasional warfront–and I’ve got a ludicrously high ilvl for the things I do.

kirin tor ring
new dal > shrine > old dal, then fly manually

Yep, and it leaves an incredibly unrewarding feeling.

On this guy I just raid normal. I have 31 normal BoD boss kills right now.

I have an equipped item level of 388 and bag of 392.


If you go slot by slot out of my 15 equipped items only 3 are from normal BoD.

Everyone else is from trivial WQ, world bosses, warfront, or weekly event.

I have 5 item level 400 items and were from doing completely boring and useless things. 2 from warfront, 2 warfront world boss, and 1 from M0 weekly. These are all base 400 not titanforged.

It’s like why even bother with doing more difficult stuff? I outgeared normal by doing completely trivial tasks.


And blood elf, no less. I do have a human named Palatiana as well.
I wonder what WoW would look like if more of us congregated.

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I hit 402 ilvl today, I run a couple m+ a week and we are progressing heroic. I went 4 weeks in a row getting bracers out of my box, the current game is very unrewarding.

Which is why, back on topic, I run old content, and I run so much of it that the changes add unnecessary playtime with no benefit.


I’m a mage and even I hate the removal of portals (because I actually play other characters). I don’t really enjoy traveling somewhere. Sure, it’s nice to take a break from the game every now and then, but, let’s look at CoT for example. You’re talking about taking a portal and hopping on a FP to Tanaris (or manually flying) versus just porting there.

I’ve never considered travel time as engaging game play or a large world that makes the world engaging. What makes the game engaging is wanting to engage in that world. Making an arbitrary task like doing a weekly DS run or whatever take longer doesn’t add to my enjoyment of the game. It’s not something fun that I enjoy doing.

I have a similar issue with the delayed removal of flight. It actually makes me not want to play the first half of an expansion. It makes me not want to play the game I’ve played for years because it’ll just be faster to do all these things later. I’m not saying we should just have portals everywhere (but I think the dalaran and garrison hearthstone should go into the toy box) but I don’t see it as a bad thing either.

Just look at what Legion did. You gave us a lot of reasons to go explore places we wouldn’t normally explore. That’s fun. That’s positive. You made it so we could instantly get there to enjoy those new experiences. That’s fun, that’s engaging. Now imagine if we didn’t have those portals in Legion. Instead of being fun and engaged the entire time it’s ok, I accepted this quest, I went to this place and now I have to afk on a FP for 5+ minutes. That’s the opposite of fun and engaging.

Instead of being involved in the game I want to play, I’m going to do something else. Whether it’s get up and bio, eat, drink, or alt tab, you’ve lost my attention from the game. With the rise of YouTube, Fortnite, Netflix, etc, I think that’s a dangerous stance to take when you actively encourage players to disengage from the game.

I don’t know what WoW’s sub numbers are, but I think you do need to sit down and seriously think about what’s engaging content. Engaging shouldn’t be measured by time spent in the game, but by what players are actively doing in the game. If people are just logging in and afking, they aren’t playing and players that aren’t playing the game, won’t be staying in the game.

Even Netflix mentioned it in its earnings report:

“… Netflix’s new Shareholders report. That line goes as follows: ‘We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO.’”

Making WoW take longer and having the player do things that are less and less engaging will continue to drive the player base to other games and/or forms of entertainment.


…So you’re saying it’s hard to give feedback without telling them to jump off a cliff.

Speaking with our wallets is what got us Pathfinder, not the pretty numerous death/employment termination threats over Twitter, I guarantee you that.

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