Stop Prematurely Nerfing Content

Wake me up when Defender token is 100% drop rate.

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Join our raids, we’ve gotten so many we’re running out of people to give for alt-spec. It’s Champion that is desperately needed.

I love how you think this is a premature content nerf, when if this was actual TBC it would have been nerfed over a month ago. Virtually nobody in original TBC attempted KT or Vashj before they were nerfed because they were nerfed before most guilds even reached them.


You’re right, it’s overtuned because 07 Blizz wanted to stop people from getting to Hyjal before 2.1.

The amount of people who don’t realise 2.0 KT/Vashj were never intended to be beaten is incredible. Just because you can cheese Vashj with 2021 minmax DPS and a truck full of Thornling seeds doesn’t mean it should stay that way for the entire phase.


Wasn’t the largest issue with these two bosses bugs? Not the game mechanics. It certainly prevented people from killing them for a long time, but I thought bugs with the encounters themselves prevented kills.

Ironically, bugs were a big reason people weren’t killing them super early in P2 here as well.

I would argue that it is just bad, untested, raid design rather than intent.

If your solution to the problem requires a sub 1-2 second reaction time then its just bad raid design considering 2007 internet and computers.

“If you get netted and spored, just use a living action potion within .5 seconds and you might survive” - Okay I lagged for a quarter of a second when the spore hit, and I am dead.

Just straight dying to RNG is bad design. Get the shock blast then MCed so you die without the ability to be healed with no counter play? Bad design that should not have been a possible combo that could occur.

Having to use all your fun cooldown abilities because the boss will use them? Bad game design. No boss should use things like LOHs, heroism, etc. It is taking fun out of the hands of the players as well as limiting their toolbox.

So on and so forth.


Yep. TBC was the the last expansion before they had an established group of hardcore raiders to test their raids, right? Or was that still somewhat of a thing in Wrath?

[quote=“Jjuddy-tanaris, post:20, topic:1130444, full:true”]

TBC Classic is not suppose to be for the weak, its suppose to be for those that remember when raids were hard and you had to farm raids in order to defeat the hard bosses.[/quote]

dude this is a dad game … I dont even like retail but I will admit that mythic raiding is waaaaay harder than tbc raids…get off your high horse


vash was killed back in the days and KT had a threat bug that was fixed and is this version that we have today

with full world buffs & 25 soulstones


Bugs made Kael’thas literally unkillable. Blizzard intentionally did not bugfix him because they didn’t want people to kill him before 2.1.

Vashj on the other hand, despite being similarly buggy, was killable via world buff and consumable stacking, neither of which are available in TBCC. IIRC the world first was killed due to a glitch causing her to reset to 1hp as well.

The KT nerfs in particular are just insanely huge, and he’s not even the hardest boss. Looking forward to standing around waiting after P2 and P3 when this goes live… lol

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I honestly thought he was nerfed last night

Phase 2 starts immediately when the last advisor dies…only now you aint taking twice as long to kill the mobs for what is essentially positioning.

Net gain IMO.

Yeah, please wait for phase 3


Oh, you like hard raids?

You can find mythic raids in retail. :arrow_right:

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Sadly, they don’t.

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Your partner says you’re really not that concerned with “premature” anything.

Are people seriously crying over raid content that’s FIFTEEN years old? Yikes… heaven forbid they nerf content TWO months after it’s release. Your guild was either good enough to kill KT/Vashj pre nerf or it wasn’t. The tiny silver of guilds remain who are 1-2% wipers are a fraction of a fraction of the community. Do people who cleared it want a gold star or something for the time commitment or investment? Like is your ego that fragile that you can’t stand to let others enjoy the game? For the never ending power borrowing that is World Of Warcraft? People treat this game more seriously then they treat IRL.

Top guilds were clearing SSC in sub two hours DAY one. This game is a joke in terms of difficulty. Like give me a break… Look at retail, look at the hot dumpster fire that game has devolved into by this mentality. “SELLING HEROIC/MYTHIC RUNS FOR XXX GOLD” Is this the game that people want for classic as well?

Also while were on the topic, I didn’t see any outraged or not nearly as much when they nerfed Karazhan start of phase two… which leaves me to believe it’s not about the nerf itself, but when it’s happening.

The absolute irony is that these same individuals are beyond puzzled why servers are dying left and right, because of the mass exodus of casuals who are being gate kept by toxic trolls who want to believe there better then they think they are. I guarantee if Blizzard adjusted raids so that top guilds like Progression needed several days to clear content, these whiny phonies would be all over the forums screaming to nerf the content. Either “git gud” beating content pre nerf or don’t. The vast majority of people who play this game don’t care.


You’ll definitely know when KT is nerfed. The phase 1 advisors will die insanely fast.