Stop premades q'ing into randoms

we all know you dont really care about PvP, but for christ sake, can you stop full geared premades q’ing into random BGs where you need to go to grind honour.

0 fun, the non premade group gives up and just sits in the GY, cuz theres no point leaving it.


This, it makes grinding BGs almost unbearable.


Premades are generally paired into each other.

It’s just important to remember that the 5 man 411 ilev group is weighted equally to the 349 ilev group of 5 people and, well, obviously it’s going to feel like it’s premade vs solos despite there being a second premade.


Crazy to me people still aren’t geared

I geared late and it took me like 5 hours tops winning half my bgs solo


Right? :dracthyr_love_animated: Do a few battlegrounds while leveling, grab a loot crate thing that gets dropped in a leveling zone and reach 70 with half gear or something.


Grind win , for box , try new builds , try min max before season released. I try beat 11mil in EOTS , 13MIL in AB , try grind horde graveyard as much as possible = more box = more golds for enchants.

u did wot now

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Often what happens is a premade of 5 people is faced against 3 “premades” of 2 people queued together. It favors partying groups against groups, not necessarily how many people are in the group.


This is how it did work, yes.
As of recent something does seem off with the matchmaking.
Another example is higher player pool (which we should have right now, right?) will attempt to match healers vs healers. This is not happening as much as it did when system was working in the traditional way.
There has been a noticeable change, bug? intended? not sure but it is visible.


It really needs to stop. I queue up as horde and see 5 or more ppl all from the same server all sporting +300k HP unbuffed while no one on my team is from the same server and everyone is sub 300k HP.

Decide to go alliance instead since that is absolutely stupid and wouldn’t you know the exact same thing happens now it’s horde with 5+ people all from the same server with +300k HP and no one on alliance side is from the same server and few to none have +300k HP.

There should legit be some line of code in the game that 100% blocks that type of garbage from happening. Want yo be a massive 5 man with deck out gear in a BG? Sure you will only queue into other 5 man groups with decked out gear. This BS matchmaking right now needs to die in a fire and they need to fire whoever is responsible it’s a freaking joke.


unless theyre from the same guild, this is a horrible way to judge premade or not

i’ve gotten into bgs where all 10 people on my team were from stormrage but no one was in a group. most players are all from the same servers as well. like you’re never going to see 4 people from the forgotten coast or balnazzar because those servers don’t have 4 people who do bgs. you’re going to see primarily moonguard, stormrage, sargeras and proudmoore

all my premades are made of people from multiple servers, you would have to know us to know it’s a premade.

It wouldn’t be hard to see. When you see the same 5 ppl running around together instantly moving and reacting to objectives, and then are instantly peeling for their healer while focus firing and chain CCing others it’s becomes extremely easy to tell who is and isn’t in a premade.

And for the one above you, I have very rarely been in a BG where I saw multiple ppl from the same server and it not be a premade. For the record it isn’t just the server names that gave it away but the agree of coordination, groups, peeling, CCing, and focus firing makes it blatantly obvious when it happens.


Something is different with the matchmaking since launch.

This isnt premade behaviour, this is overall good player behaviour lol. Good players will be aware of their healers and aware of enemy cds without being grouped. There are a higher number of good players in bgs atm because the season hasnt started and everyone is getting their alts ready

I’m not saying there aren’t premades, just those are not tell tales of premades, especially right now

Aside from the conversation on how to spot a premade correctly.
The matchmaking is different since launch.
Something is off, and with how many bugs have made it past beta this could be one.
If not, then it is set up to create an honor dispenser for teams/one side in random BGs.
Healer vs 0 Healers. Check.
Teams vs 0 Teams, Check.
Games starting short players. Check.
All three of these have been 100% verified.
With numbers. Which can be adjusted on the fly, %s are created within the system in use.
Does it factor in item levels in order to create a false achieve/power feeling? Maybe?
This is a method used in many games, as they are trained to this.
There can’t be many Video Game marketing/dev schools, which will make these textbook systems hard to find.

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You say that, but no one ever sees it. Or if they do, it’s 2 bros playing together as casuals ticking the premade box on your team, while the other team is 5+ duelists playing on comms with the express intention to decimate you ticking the premade box on their team. Same same, but different. But still same.


Who is to say that this is exactly how the matchmaking is currently working, most of the time.
Yes ok, lets say premade teams are matched vs other premade teams most of the time.
What if 2 players are matched vs 5 more often than not. On purpose.

Yeah, because nobody ever goes “hey, i think this is a premade” as they’re farming the enemy team at the gy.


Exactly, is why players who do very little solo queue will have a viable say in this conversation. The blindfold is on, most of the time.
Looking further and deeper into it, I am 100% sure a lightbulb will go off.
Wow, this is how it’s really working. I get it now. :bulb:

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