Stop posting anchor weed

Not sure how many(at least 100, most likey many more) have disappeared from AH for me. I say at least 100 because I make 50 a day on the realm I noticed this on. None of them or gold for sales came to my toon. I also farm about 1hr per day with a 5 man boxing group. Have a ticket in but, not sure what will happen.

I’ll sell my weed where and when I want!!


Not only that, it’s stackables in general that are being eaten by the AH, ''IT’S ALIVE!" lol…

Best advised to omit Auction stuff 'till they figure this out.

I hope they fix it or I’ll be out a lot of gold. I was being extremely generous estimating 100. Plus my other 2 realms.

I was hoping the maintenance might fix the AH, but I’m afraid to use it.

They have officially communicated that all the mail is NOT lost. Post in peace my friends.


You people need to lay of the anchor weed and go back to natural, honest peacebloom.

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I’ll stick with my Morning Glory Dew thank you.
MGD easy to brew, and fast to sell.