Stop nerfing our base kit

After Every rework Bliz starts nerfing our base kit (WOG, HS, etc) instead of nerfing our extras like the hero talents. Then the hero talents eventually go away and we are left with crap. This also makes it harder to balance and we are forced to take those Overpowered Hero talents. As long as you keep our base kit strong, Light Smith won’t be so weak, but at the moment you are just nerfing both specs.

Last expansion you kept nerfing HS and WOG instead of nerfing Tyra’s Deliverance which made that talent mandatory.


Readybthe whole TWW patch notes, Tyrs qas heavily nerfed and so were all the Hero talents. HS is super strong right nownin prepatch and so is WoG for Holy anyways super weak foe Ret

I have read every patch note. Well aware that Tyr’s is in the trash where it belongs. The lates patch has nerfed WOG and HS and one buff to those spells was left out of prepatch.

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I heard the spell strength is not changing when or health changes are applied so it will basically be another nerf

I would like to throw in that blessing of sacrifice being a 2 min CD instead of 1 is actually a huge nerf considering tanks will be taking more damage than before. Also, if we take martyr to increase holy shock’s power, we will be wasting globals to clear the healing absorb debuff. I would much rather they balance holy shock properly than have a janky debuff that comes attached to it.


Martyr is actually hella fun

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Agree on the 1 min Sac. Disagree on LotM. Current iteration is less bloat and a cool mechanic to gives us stronger holy shocks at a good price.

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I’m not sure if a debuff that could potentially put you in a checkmate situation on high keys is cool, but assuming we are tuned correctly it shouldn’t be bad. (I’m a bit skeptical and jaded after the last two seasons with how poorly the spec was tuned :rofl: )

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I’ve done up to 12s in Beta. The spot healing power it gives (on top of stronger Rising Sunlight/Divine tool) it’s actually really strong and helpful to quickly top people in danger when you need. Clearing the debuff it’s usually just 1 GCD. I think it could be good skill expression if it actually becomes an issue in even higher keys but I dont see that happening tbh.

The original concensus was that it was not actually numerically superior but in practice the spot healing power is just too good to ignore for both raid and M+ where spot healing matters the most and large ST dmg can happen in quick succesion and you need to be able to top people fast (specially since we lack other good options in our talent tree at the moment due to tuning like for example how weak veneration or AC are). This was tested by our wowhead guide writer and that was the conclusion from what I’ve remember.

Bliz devs probably: I heard you liked your pvp talents, it would be a shame if someone nerfed them by 50%-80%. Are you enjoying having a dispell in PvP, it would be a shame if someone…deleted it from the game.

DF season 3 PTR, heard you liked this tier set in testing, would be a shame if someone nerfed it by 50% on PTR and another 50% on live during PvP and made most of its effects dispellable. Enjoy its nerfed form for S4 as well an an additional F. U

I saw you mentioned the pvp specific nerfs to Ret healing, would be a shame if someone added a half dozen pvp specific damage nerfs too.

Oh, did you expect Blessing of Spellwarding to ward spells that are CC, silly goose, how else would we keep you feared or turned into an animal half of the time spent in BGs?

Aren’t you glad you put Blessing of Spellwarding on your healer getting nuked by casters, well now your Blessing of Protection is also on cooldown for 5min with physical damage dealers doing all manner of atrocities to you without your consent. Shame.

Arent you glad you used Divine Shield for 2 seconds while 3 people dispelled it? Now you have Forbearance for 28 more seconds, good luck.

Cant believe you thought you could move quickly with Steed, we made it visually telegraphed to attract slows, snares, stuns and fears. Much like the glowing yellow ball you become from Avenging Wrath that, you guessed it, attracts slows, snares, stuns, and fears.

Love Ret thematically, but Blizzard, what have you done to my boy?

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The stronger holy shocks seem like what they were before they were nerfed in DF, except now we have a huge price to pay for it - going nearly out of health, if we use it.

Holy Shock and Word of Glory do not need to be nerfed. They need to be effective, again! /prayer


I’m here with you there. I dont want Herald nor LS to carry our spec. I dont want to be pressing Flash of Light to spot heal or have 6+ CDs that I need to juggle just to be able to heal every pack.

S3/S4 DF Hpal gameplay was atrocious and borderline criminal. Now its like it always should have been