Stop nerfing healer damage!

I didn’t say no damage for tanks, just low damage, that’s the other guy. He thinks because if Healers can’t do DPS then Tanks shouldn’t either.

I can’t imagine wanting my class to have less to do. Sometimes there is no reason to be healing. Being able to weave damage is a solid skill for a healer.


I’m seriously annoyed how badly Holy has been nerfed into the ground. Our single target heals aren’t any better than others, doesn’t have the HoT like a druid, and also we are seriously gimped with extremely direction and short ranged AoE heals that can be entirely wasted if circumstances force it.

I understand not wanting it to be completely faceroll, but seriously, constantly nerfing tanks and healers is just utterly destructive and unproductive to keeping players.


It really is a horrible feeling to put so much effort into weaving damage yet barely making a dent. Healers should be able to pull the same damage as tanks, who also could use a slight buff to their damage in some cases.


Yeah, thats not as hard as is sounds once you have a basic understanding of mob abilities, what to interrupt and when damage is coming.

In fact, a huge part of tanking is fore knowledge of encounters.

After that, all we have is to try and do more dps.

Besides, what kind of sense does it make that a tank cant do great damage? Its not like our weapons are duller than others.

I agree that the Vengeance mechanic got a little out of control but that was a fun thing for tanks to focus on. Literally all we have after understanding encounters is to try and push damage and improve our carry capacity.

THIS right here is exactly the way that it should be. I’ve all but abandoned my Holy Pally that’s been my main since Wrath thanks to the requirement that we need to dps in order to do any healing. Holy power truly needs to go away.

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Because if a Tank does “great damage” what’s the point of even having DPS, you have loads more survivability than DPS so at that point it just becomes a crutch to bring them, might as well just 5 Tank dungeons, probably don’t even need healers.

It’s a role problem, if you start bleeding into other roles then what’s to stop them from forcing DPS to heal sometimes, or making Healers facetank adds or something. If you want big numbers you go DPS, if you wanna protect your group you Tank, if you like healing YOU HEAL

Yeah, I get the role concept and agree that tanks should f do as much as DPS but I think its currently tuned pretty well.

In Aoe, I often match or beat some players and in single target I start to fall off a great deal.

A lot of players make it sound like they are jealous that tank even do damage and just want us to be punching bags for them. That would be super boring.

From what I’ve heard, in M+ healers are expected to do some damage. It’s why Disc was so popular for so long.

Yes, but also sort of depends. In lower and mid (depending on how you define it) keys, I’ve yet to see a healer criticized for not doing much damage. If a group is failing to time a +10 while playing reasonably cleanly/not wiping too much etc., then it’s really not on the healer. And sometimes PuGs at that level will simply require healer carries, and you just won’t have much opportunity to weave damage in anyway (same if the tank is less of a brick wall and more of a sliding glass door). It’s at higher keys where healer damage becomes important, and definitely an expectation.

For me, particularly in the lower/mid keys where it isn’t nearly as important, the principle isn’t even really about healers doing damage- it’s about contributing as a group member. The more a group prevents dangerous abilities, the less healing the healer has to do. So what does a healer do when not actively healing (or preparing for a predictable damage event)? They do damage. The tank and DPS are filling basically every GCD until all the mobs have fallen over- the healer should do the same.