STOP moving us to other shards

Yeah that is really annoying and it’s also affecting treasure boxes.

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Sad that a game like GW2 managed to figure this out yet Blizzard couldn’t see it even if Anet jumped up and slapped them in the face with it.


Needed Southern hunt in Azure…Western hunt is up.
I do the hunt, Southern hunt comes up.
I fly there but once I get there I move shards…AND THE WESTERN HUNT IS THE ONE UP!

Sharding is making the Meta achievement 1000% harder than it should be.

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This is my 3rd time trying to reply to this thread.

Reply button kept disappearing on me as I got close to clicking on it.

I got moved 7 times in an hour during the last storm I’m waking shores.

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Reading this thread really makes me glad I don’t play during peak hours. I almost haven’t had any noticeable shard switching since farming Rustfeather on Mechagon in BfA.

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I disagree. we should be moved 5 times a minute. ALL THE SHARDS BLIZZARD!

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I hope they make it more aggressive than it is now.

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this guy gets it.

Right, it’s ridiculous. I did Wrathion rep earlier in the expansion and I didn’t run into this problem at all, but now I’m trying to finish Sabellion and it happens over and over. idk what changed but I wish they would change it back.

I’ve had it happen to me multiple times at 1-2 AM, when there didn’t seem to be many players around me at all. It’s really weird, I have no idea what’s prompting it.

I usually play anywhere from 5am to noon eastern. The only times I’ve ever noticed it is in the area immediately around the world boss in the Emerald Dream. Anywhere else if it happens, I’m not doing anything that would make me really realize it’s happening.

Huh, I wonder if it has anything to do with what realm the character is on. I’ve noticed to while fishing, while doing cobalt rep, while farming for scrolls in forbidden reach, and pretty much every elemental storm I’ve done.

Same this is so frustrating. Makes me not want to play.


The very least they could do is not move us to other shards during combat.


New patch and still a problem, just got sharded from a Legendary Feast to Uncommon…


That happens to me a lot since I go through a lot of alts when doing the feast. It really needs to move new people, not the people that have been there a while and it could use better balancing so you don’t wind up having two people trying to do the feast. At least the summoned beasty still drops ancient low item level stuff, so it’s not a big deal, just annoying.

One really weird issue I’ve noticed is when my entire party hearths back to Valdrak but two party members are phased even though there’s no reason they should be. They have to log out and back in again to fix it.

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Really weird when it happens when you’re camping a rare, but you get phased into a new shard on low-populance server too.

It’s like: “Why!? Literally – Why!?”

If the numbers are swelling on your server to the point its lagging everyone out, sure I guess – but the fact of the matter is, people are getting phased when the numbers are just moderate, or even low.


CRZ was one of the worst things to ever happen to the game, all in the name of appeasing people who complained “the world felt empty.”

Kinda like how level scaling was to accommodate people who want to “level in their preferred zone, and with friends,” - even though the way most people level is alone and via the path of least resistance because it’s not 2004 anymore.

The road to Hell is paved with misguided intentions.

Another day and moved shards during the researcher event in the Cavern. We almost had the last boss dead 11/12 would of gotten a epic bag…then…BAM!!! new shard for half of us and we get a green bag…way to go with this epic failure of a design.