Stop making Ground mounts as rewards for max level achievements

Like…just stop.

No one uses “just” land mounts anymore.
This makes even less sense when we have a full expansion where you are trying to showcase dragon-riding and you make ground mounts for

  1. Keystone master
  2. Glory of the Dragonflight Hero
  3. Glory of all three Raid Tiers (except Aberrus which thank god, flies)

These achievements should have been skins/scrolls for our dragonriding mounts or they should have been new dragonriding mounts altogether.


I do. Game over.


I would love to see Blizzard borrow from GW2 with ground mounts as well. You can still use them as normal ground mounts but they have extra actions to make travel on them faster and more …dare I say it…engaging.


a few of these replies are just people arguing to argue as usual. Lots to add to iggy today I guess.
The point I’m making is that it makes zero sense to award ground mounts for max level raid and dungeon achievements. This literally means you wont see these mounts again unless you’re stuck somewhere where you cant fly.
Just lazy IMO

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Plenty of people use ground mounts. Not all zones support flying, and sometimes ground mounts are nicer for those as they aren’t so big. Ground mounts are also very prevalent in PVP instances, and mythic+ dungeons that allow mounting.


Not everything has to be so utilitarian, especially for something that’s essentially cosmetic. I liked some of the ground mounts from this expac.


You will take Taivan from my cold. dead. hands. >:(

Being serious though, I can see why it seems underwhelming due to the massive advantage of using flying mounts over ground. I wouldn’t mind if big end game achievements mounts had the option to be flying, like when they give mounts with no wings magic feet.

Now I am imagining flying Taivans… that would be cool.


GD loves to hit you with the “ackshually” posts when you make sweeping statements about the playerbase.

I do agree that it would make more sense to have flying mounts as rewards for KSM and the Glory achievements. I hardly ever have use for a ground mount anymore, and there are plenty of other sources that have these as rewards.


Use em all the time in dungeons or other places where you can’t fly.


There, fixed it for you.

There’s content where you are forced grounded. Like PVP and Scenarios. The latter hasn’t been in main content for a while but I do hope it gets a comeback.

Grounded has some advantages over flying in certain locations. ESPECIALLY compared to dynamic flying.


Well you seem like a calm and cool person to talk to.

Don’t make comprehensive statements like

and you won’t get called out on it. Try and be better next time I guess.


I still use ground mounts in dungeons and raids where you can use mounts.


I mean, what else to expect from someone who thought ‘draco’ was original for a dracthyr, right?

PvP players do.

Ain’t no flying in PvP areas, lol.

In fact, pretty much all PvP mount rewards, with the exception of Gladiator drakes, are ground mounts for this reason.

If you want to use it in PvP, it’s gonna be a ground mount.

Or a dragon crawling on all fours that looks strange going as fast as any horse.

OP doesn’t know what they’re talking about, really.

Just a bad take.


There is such a thing as being exaggerative to make a point but please, let’s keep arguing about semantics because that’s a wonderful use of our time.

If you could have made a thread and replied without acting the way that you’re acting, you could have had actual discussion.

Now, this is what you’re going to get. Best of luck.


thanks for undestanding the point instead of triyng to be a reddit-troll and argue about word choice.
Plenty of posts on here from ESL players have said a lot worse but get a pass.

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Hi everyone,

I’ve been an avid player of Warcraft for years and recently noticed a trend that got me curious: the large number of ground-bound mounts rewarded from endgame content. As we all know, most players unlock flying relatively early on, which raises the question – do ground mounts still hold significant value in endgame content?

While I appreciate the aesthetic and nostalgic value of ground mounts, I wonder about their practical use when flying mounts offer more convenience and speed in most scenarios.
How often do you find yourself using ground mounts compared to flying mounts once flight is unlocked?

Here, a new OP by ChatGPT that wouldn’t get you ‘troll replies’.


I do. There’s no flying in BGs…