(WARNING: This Post Discusses Flying and Pathfinder)
I understand the reasons why Pathfinder is a thing. Make people do the slog and experience everything first, and then reward them with the ability to fly once everything is done. Cool.
But a side effect of this has been… the archipelagoizing of the zones.
Pandaria was a whole continent, and felt great to explore. We were able to fly right at max level, able to experience everything this great open WORLD had to offer.
Draenor was a little smaller, but still had vast, picturesque landscapes in some places. Getting around was a little annoying at first, but after Pathfinder it was mostly made better.
And then Blizzard realized “Hey, if people can’t get around fast, why are we bothering making big open worlds?”
The Broken Isles then, were even smaller than Draenor. A ton of verticality in the zones, while usually not a problem, meant that they felt artificially lengthened as people tried to find ways to get around without flying.
And now in Kul Tiras and Zandalar, we literally have zoned-off archipelagos to walk around as the zones continue to shrink, lose content, and become more mazelike.
And it gets worse in Shadowlands as literally every single zone is a separate instance. What’s the point of being able to fly if there’s nothing to fly to?
The gating of flying has had a pretty noticable side effect: The worlds and the zones within them are getting smaller and smaller, since there’s no reason to make large ones if people can’t get around them. And I know I can’t be the only one who prefers having large, spawling open worlds that actually feel like worlds instead of isolated sandboxes.
As I write this, I start to understand more why Blizzard gated off flying in the first place: To save resources on making those big open worlds. But I signed up way back when to play a game called World of Warcraft, not Instances of Warcraft. And yet, as the zones get smaller and smaller, so too does the player’s perception of the game get worse and worse, for varying reasons.
I just want a big, open world to explore again… Is that so much to ask?