Stop making Anduin the main character

Anduin is a good character in of itself for writers I see what they want to do with him. Problem is he’s a faction aligned character part of my problem with him is they keep shoving him down and making him the Main character of Warcraft like an anime. Warcraft should not have a main character this isn’t anduincraft this is Warcraft he’s not the star of the show. When you have two factions you shouldn’t prioritize one of their leaders and make him the main character. Same goes for slyvanas but she left the horde but I see how they butchered her already.


Well, they’ve already managed to wreck his storyline completely and now they’re in damage-control mode. I agree with you: they’ve emphasized Anduin too much and used him as a contrasting character to Sylvanas which has produced some of the worst writing imaginable. But I think the problem here really isn’t Anduin as much as it’s Sylvanas. The fact that Anduin was (at one point) the polar opposite to Sylvanas in every way explains why they’ve overused him as a character and it makes zero sense.

I grok the whole “We want to look progressive, too!” ideology at Blizzard (which proved to be the typical corporate woke-screen), but in attempting to redeem Sylvanas in some way they’ve screwed up the storyline completely. They shifted the whole effort from the conflict between Malfurion Stormrage & Sylvanas to everyone else & Sylvanas. I hate seeing him corrupted and no longer feel about him the same way. I’m not playing SL and am glad I’m not given the horrible way they’ve treated not just Anduin and Sylvanas but Tyrande, Genn, Malfurion, Baine, etc.

Bad writing all around. They’ve boxed Anduin into an unenviable corner and can’t get the spotlight off of him. Honestly, at this point, I hope he and Sylvanas both just die. It’s painful to watch.


You took the words right out of my mouth. He should of remained alliance leader only never should been forced into spotlight if they want a focus on a main character make it a faction less one but as I said Warcraft should never have a main character. Edit: khadgar is example he was an alliance member but has now and in eyes of community been a neutral leader because he’s been consistently wrote as such. Anduin has more or less always been an alliance member.


Characters like Anduin work best when they are a supporting character. He’s clearly the ‘team heart’ that the team listens too or ignores (lol fat chance) concerning a “big scary decision.”

Making him the “leader” is a terrible idea and it’s only hurting the Alliance with all the writing fiat forced on the faction to make everyone a yes-man.


Exactly faction leaders thrall and Anduin work best either if they are supporting but not main characters


I still think the worst decision they ever made with Anduin was walking back him being crippled for life by the Divine Bell. Having a king who couldn’t physically do everything himself would have opened up a lot of opportunities for other characters to step up.


Because given the choice also if Anduin had to choose between the alliance and horde he will choose alliance all the time

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I’m sick of Anduin not even just as an Alliance character but also as a Human character. Anytime i start to find him remotely interesting he resorts back to being the same boring, annoying & naive character he’s always been. Part of me hoped he would remain in the Shadowlands (even though it was extremely unlikely…) because i liked the idea of Turalyon remaining the leader of Stormwind. And if there was to be a main leader of the Alliance, i liked Turalyon a lot more in that role than Anduin.

Though it’s looking like he’s coming back. Part of me is nervous if they go for the “Evil Light” story that will include the Alliance inner conflict. But the part of that that makes me nervous is that it will simply just be Turalyon and others being villain batted because they don’t trust Anduin or see him as fit to retake the throne.

In general i’ve sort of just soured on the Wrynns. I find them one of the main reasons that not just the Alliance but humanity/Stormwind itself has no identity these days.


The Wrynns are the biggest obstacle to the Alliance behaving like an actual alliance. Blizzard is obsessed with them.


Starting off with a lie I see.


They can make Anduin neutral.

Quite happy with Turalyon in Stormwind, speaking for myself that is.

In fact, let’s make Anduin neutral, and then, you know… spend the next half dozen expansions with him on the sidelines. We’ve got Anduin fatigue.


How is anduin a good character? So far he seems very boring\good guy\nothing going on\ typical hero champ.

I find good guy no matter what characters to be so boring. Bring on more main characters that are complicated like arthas\illidan. I know they tried to do with Sylvanus but they just wrote it so poorly and she is just hated because its just so poorly written.


Anduin was interesting around… Wrath, when he served as something of a foil to Varian, but that was more a matter of Varian’s character having been messed up by trying to repeat Thrall’s story with him. Back then Anduin came across as, ‘Wise beyond his Years,’ and it was a pretty nice thing to see.

Then he rapidly nose-dived into, ‘Actually, he’s just naive,’ and ignored atrocities to keep pushing a narrative of peace at a time it was unfeasible.

He hasn’t recovered from that at all.


Anduin needs a healthy dose of toxic masculinity!


I would have liked your post until this point. Sylvanas is the leader of the Forsaken and formally the Horde Warchief until such time as she acknowledges a formal successor. The Horde Council is illegitimate, they are a handful of Oligarchical power-hungry nobodies that do not have the support of every-day Horde citizens. Baine being part of the Horde Council proves that the Horde Council has no legitimacy because even the Tauren consider Baine to be a traitor.

When Sylvanas designates a Warchief Heir, then we will have a legitimate leader.

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Is Sylvanas herself a legitimate leader? She seemed to have resigned from her position, they were looking for her as a criminal … No?
And vulpera. So they’re not part of the Horde until Sylvanas recognizes them?

Yes, Syvlanas is the legitimate leader of the Horde. She has never relinquised that role and the Horde has never replaced her. By the rules of “who is Warchief” and “who is not Warchief but is an influential person” Sylvanas is still Warchief.

The Horde Council is extremely boring…the concept is boring…all of the members are boring. Anyone advocating for the council going forward in the story might as well be an Alliance-stan.

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Though I like Sylvanas she’s not coming back, not as a warchief at least, and that’s for the best. Nowhere near an “Alliance stan” but I think the Council is a good idea because that way it prevents any risk of us going back to that unsufferable “good Horde vs bad Horde civil war, bad Warchief overthrown with the help of the Alliance” plot. Also it may leave more room for the development of races and tribes as autonomous entities.
That is, if they handle it better than what they’re doing right now


Blizzard is incapable of writing a good council story line. The Council will be ineffectual and/ore more likely straight up ignored. As long as the Horde is led by a Council it will be irrelevant to the story Blizzard are telling.

It’s why I laugh in the face of the people who want the Forsaken to be led by a councill…

Have you paid any attention to how Blizzard have written the Dwarves in the last decade??

Stop being naive.


Yeah the thing is Blizzard is also incapable of writing a good warchief storyline. It always ends up with the Horde getting kicked to the ground, humiliated and reminded of its dependence upon the Alliance.