Stop Leaving Dungeons! (advice, not a complaint lol)

I said sometimes it can take 40 minutes, why do you think I took that out of your post?

ratchets up penalty to 1 hour

That’s ok I’ll go take a nap.

It’s better than dealing with oculus!

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ok make it two hours wise guy.

I’ll go mow.

okay then 4 hours.

Another nap.

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how about 8 hours?

I’ll be 70 by that time from questing.

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I haven’t leveled a new character in a while, but Oculus is just terrible. I will gladly take a 30 min break if I get it. I…I just can’t anymore.

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But did he save his goldfish in time?

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Yes. Otherwise it’s volatile ability to spontaneously burst into flames on command wouldn’t be able to be utilized for future dungeons.

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I think I have an answer for ya. Me and a friend (healer) queueing up for the TW quest accidentally queued for a Heroic instead of TW. Once we realized our mistake we apologized to the group, left, and ate our 30 minutes.

It’s not great, but accidents do happen.

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