Stop faction changing to horde

The faction imbalance is getting larger and larger. And WPVP is dying because of it.

Goldshire is empty. Area in front of stormwind is empty. Alliance is completely dead right now, with trade chat being historically quiet. I understand that it is the end of the expansion, but horde is bustling

If you have faction changed to horde as alliance you have undermined the integrity of ED. It’s scummy, sheepy behavior and has made playing ED a lot less fun for everyone.

I’m seeing entire Alliance guilds switch (The depraved just faction changed)


Yeah whateva, go back to ya mommy and cry


I second this brother. The lack of integrity among those in our very own faction is alarming. I knew before arriving here that the people of WoW were transient even fickle, but the amount of turncoats is very unsettling.

I rebuke those who take up such a course. If there is anyone else left out there true to our cause, let them speak up and make their voices heard. We must bring back faction purity and condemn those who aid both sides of the war.

If we want to turn this war around in the end, we must acquire the Horde’s ever abundant e-girls and convert them. The neckbeards will not be able to survive such a drought and will crawl out of their parents’ attic and return to the basement in defeat where the wifi strength is low and the latency high. Then once we have all the women and all the bandwidth, our future will be bright and our prospects bountiful!


That’s mostly because the need to minmax gear from M+/Raid instead of just queueing pvp as well as warmode splitting up the leveling and relaxing crowd.

That or activision undermined the integrity of the game and lots of friend on alliance side have quit till prepatch because they hate the game and the only ones playing are horde.

But hey, I’m back now. :slight_smile:


I think WPVP died because rare bosses can be soloed and even then no one wants 36G or 340 azerite from them. People don’t cares to go gank because there is no reason except CTA,AOO.

In old zones there are buffs so people go there to control towers to get buff and wpvp happens there, but doing turtle quests in kul tiras and zuldazar don’t require wpvp.

WPvP has been picking up IMO. Players are returning and old rivalries are sparking up again. Prepatch is going to be a blast!

We had an old school gang fight at the Horde shrine the other night. Names I haven’t seen in a while were throwing down. GGs!

Also if you can handle the smoke here’s the link to the ED WPvP discord. Tread carefully, its like walking through a prison yard.

htt ps://

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All this seems to be par for the course when it comes to new xpacs. Six or eight months down the road is when we’ll really know how healthy faction balance and wpvp will be.

For the Alliance!

Not really actually because this isn’t a trend that is exclusive to ED. Traditionally speaking the PvP faction would shift every expansion, generally due to a bunch of nerds following the streamers around, but that hasn’t happened in several years. Horde has been the dominant PvP faction, across basically all servers, for years now… but on the contrary, the game is much more fun being the disadvantaged faction so enjoy it. Personally I would much rather be the minority faction, more people to fight!


Excellent! Then by that logic you should transfer over and play strictly Alliance.

Kidding. Lol! I couldn’t resist.

Excellent points about about the state of wpvp in WoW.

No reason to care about faction balance unless you care about wpvp.

Faction balance don’t matter for PVE.
Don’t matter for rated PVP.
For anything else.
Every other aspect of the game, you’re actually better off if you’re on a large faction.

What do you get for wpvping?
Zerged by multi realm communities.
An unwelcoming group of players/dickheads.

I love wpvp, but until blizz gives an incentive to turn wm on, it’s just going to get worse.
That “my faction is getting their teeth kicked in” buff isn’t enough.


I cant stand alliance. So many times I’ve seen someone getting ganked so I’d jump in to help them. Instead of turning the tables on the ganker, the dude instead tries to run without fighting which results in me getting killed. Or I’ll get jumped and other allies will just run around like they see nothing which results in everyone getting ganked one at a time. You don’t see that crap in the Horde.


Eh part of our problem is being crossed with other realms that do more flocking. Honestly ed still feels pretty 50/50 with a slight shift to horde. I’ll probably be playing alliance next expansion. If I play… Lol

ED has had one of the larger faction shifts of any server

Eh I don’t think it’s our server though. I’m playing more alliance than horde and it feels way more active on alliance side. I think our issue is we get paired with horde dominant realms.

Yeah, it’s pretty clear ya just don’t know what you’re talking about.

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When it comes to faction changing, even one player abandoning Alliance for Horde is too many. This heresy must be stopped immediately!

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Honestly ED feels pretty dead on both sides these days, at least to me. There are still a couple cool people, who occasionally say “hey we are active and we do things”, but I swear, it feels like getting invited to someone else’s family reunion, and when I show up it’s like most the food is gone and everyone is confused about who I am and why I am in their backyard. I recently made another attempt to integrate into one of the seemingly few remaining islands of active people here, and got told by each group that recruitment is closed currently. Lol, closed? There’s no one here, how are you full? I’m not hard to get along with either, I am chill and easy to be around.

Mg/WrA has all the rp now, mega lopsided servers like tich, sarg area 52 etc have the massively active economies and competing guild groups, and wpvp seems to be basically just a random dice roll of phased servers on WM, so who cares what server you jumped into the swimming pool from anyways. The one thing that ED seems to be uniquely offering now is the 5 or 6 severely unhappy forum trolls that lurk this specific server forum, who I occasionally circle around to watch, because it’s entertaining I guess.

Makes me sad, but w/e. Other servers have been a lot more active and easy to meet people on recently, at least for me. ED feels done.

Extraordinarily strong argument

Most people are waiting for pre-patch, or the new expansion even, to play again.

A lot of us have been in this same content for a year now, and there’s not much reason to do anything outside of our guilds.

I don’t know about alliance side, but horde side there’s always people talking in front of Grommash Hold.

There’s an ED community discord you’re welcome to join as well. (I’ll find a link and edit this post in a bit)

Every server is experiencing the lull right now.

I will give you that mg/WRA has more people standing around doing RP. That’s just not ED. We’ve tried.
Either event or guild oriented, or you’re not going to find much. Going to require an effort on your part to talk to people randomly and create walkup.

Discord I talked about: b5aYh89

ED Alliance RP - In game RP Community
Invite Code: zjwjwNnhGO0


Yes ED is a effing specc of it’s former self but it is inarguable that the Horde have more players. I came back like a month ago and it’s def something i’ve noticed.

Idk obligatory I miss the old days post.