Stop discriminating - Incubus please

Yea, he really coulda saved everyone a bunch of time


What they could do is allow warlocks to summon satyrs instead if they wanted with a glyph.

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That’s not actually true, at least not currently.

What we know about the subject is this:

Q: Do incubi exist?

A: There are several different rumors concerning the male counterparts to the demonic succubus race, and it’s clear that the succubi are responsible for all of them. A few of the more common rumors are:

1 - Yes, there are incubi, but the spell to summon them has been conveniently forgotten by mortal practitioners and Burning Legion agents.
2 - Incubi are kept as slaves on their home planet, having been rendered incapable of escape or independent movement.
3 - The succubi consumed the males of their race when they were brought into the Burning Legion. (Alternatively, the act of devouring the males is what caught the attention of the Burning Legion.)

So lorewise the answer about Incubi is: Nobody knows because Succubi keep making a bunch of different rumors up for reasons unknown.


I would personally despite anything like to see an incubus somehow. Not that i’m interested. And it totally shouldn’t be all feminine looking.

If they can retcon big things, they can do the same with this relatively minor thing few players have even heard of.

A succubus can’t be “over sexualized” :laughing: that’s their whole gimmick


Beat me to it. Can’t stand when someone adds high pitched REEE noises to try and force their point across.

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Isnt Legion areas full of fel demons? Big muscular hunky male demons? Go see them op when you got the urge to fap!


With how things are, I’d expect them to remove the Succubus to fight discrimination lol.

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Or put some clothes on it, at least.

They have already added some, more wouldn’t be surprising either.

More demon variety in general would be nice but I thought I’ve seen multiple people say they had said at one point we were getting incubus and then it never came to be for what ever reason?

I am in support of any action that enrages and offends people. So I support both not having an incubus, AND having an incubus.


no thank you. go away

So we’re just going to ignore the raw testosterone energy emanating from the imp?



The ones using the corporate boot to control most of society right now.

But yeah, op, they need genders for Felguard and Wrathguard too. Felguard even jokes about his wife, so female Mo’arg exist.

They promised this to Warlocks in Cataclysm, yet never delivered.

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I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
I wish you were here


They should just make the succubus sexier to piss them off even more.

“All” Blizz has to do is add a glyph to the game so the Succubus becomes an Incubus :+1: Same spells, same voice lines :laughing:, same animations, same clothes too if you want, just unscrew bobs and put a male void elf head on the succubus body gg

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Well, what would an overly sexualized “male” demon look like? I thought those were like Felguards or something.