Stop crying about the trading post

Kinda annoying seeing all this misinfornation being spread about trading post being pay 2 win.

This isnt like how you can buy as many wow tokens as you want this is a one time purchase bundle that hardly gives you any tender to begin with.

Also even if you could buy it over and over how is it pay 2 win if its cosmetics :thinking:


It’s worse actually


You’re asking people to stop crying about it and then crying about it…


This is the first instance I’ve seen of people calling it “pay 2 win”.


It’s not just cosmetics. The purchase gives you traders tender

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I never criticized the system once in my entire post try again

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The goobers who are up in arms about this are right about one thing: next month it will just be a different bundle.


Which is for cosmetics???


Its a 1 time purchase and its only 200 tender that wont get you very far

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At this point, its just a matter of time before they stop being a 1-time purchase.

Any trust I had that they would not monetize the trading post has gone out the window.


If they stop being a one time purchase then I will take back what I said but until then people need to remove their tinfoil hats

This month is a one time purchase, until they remove this item on August 31, then it will be a new bundle

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You lack foresight.

Do you honestly believe that Blizzard won’t escalate on this? There will be more and more bundles.


A lot of people criticizing the system are looking long-term. Blizzard has long had the habit of slowly introducing unpopular systems over time in small chunks so that the people that can see the end-goal get called crazy whiners.

If they could open an Overwatch 2 style shop in WoW tomorrow without backlash from the community they would do it in a heartbeat.


It doesnt matter its still not something you can spam buy.

You still have to play the game if you want to get trading post rewards you cant buy your way to it

That was true before today. Now people can purchase tenders on the shop


yes Im sure it’ll be the only tender bundle ever…


If its just for cosmetic crap, I don’t think they’d care in the slightest about backlash. The buyers far outweigh the people making noise.

Edit: and they shouldn’t care. The clowns at corporate threw the entire Chinese market in the trash. The lights don’t stay on for free.

It’s dirty behavior on their part and needs to be called out. It’s the first step into a massive cash shop and gambling boxes before daddy Microsoft takes over. We as a community need to stop it here and now from growing.


200 tenders once per month most items on the trading post cost more than that.

There is no way you can buy say a mount with it