Stop Complaining About The Jelly Cat!

Stop complaining about complaining about the jelly cat mount!

You are just adding fuel to the fire and yet another thread.


An cosmetic mount you get from an Achievement. They can change that all they want. Go ahead and link where it was promised to you in any transactional detail. Not helping yourself.


Maybe if there’s an avalanche of complaints about the LFR slime cat decision, there might be a tiiiiiiiiny chance it was a bad change.

Perhaps stay off social media and the forums then.
It takes no effort, uses 0 time, and costs 0 dollars to not open/start a thread about it.


You’re absolutely right, they can.

That doesn’t mean people cannot complain about it, they should complain about it, especially in this case in particular, which I am sure is unintentional, but is none the less scummy and disrespecting players time.

Na those of us against the decision wont stop until they change it


All eyes are on Blizzard now, and it will be a mess no matter what they decide. The only possible addition is some of the “you don’t deserve it” crowd going over to a " Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah" approach.

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Exactly, they made this mess themselves and the lack of communication is making it worse. This will also make some question whether Blizz really is changing their ways, or if it’s just all talk. They have a real chance here to prove to everyone they really are changing and listening to feedback, or if they are going to prove the doubters right when it comes to the next expansion being more of the same.

I heard the Jellycat can use Soar and act as a combat pet in the mage tower.

Normally I’d agree, but this is a short season and a lot of guilds are on break already. Pugging looking for raid groups in the group finder feels bad for what should be a fun reward just going through the content. I personally don’t care, but I understand why people are mad, and I kind of agree with them. Blizzard baited and switched at the last minute. Not a good look.

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That’s what concerns me. It really feels like Blizz botched this. It’s not a good sign heading into a new expansion in a few months.

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You tell em, Orc! They should go play some other game that treats its customers well, doesn’t tell them one thing and then change their minds and makes arbitrary decisions in the last dying months of an expansion for no reason than that they can.

I mean yeah, how dare they complain! It just forces you to eat chocolate to compensate for the unhappy moods.

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