Stop Complaining About The Jelly Cat!

I check the Forums and Twitter often every few days, and all I see is people complaining about the Jelly Cat being in Normal mode and not LFR. It’s annoying. If you are able to do LFR you are able to do Normal. Simple as, people saying they don’t get invited or won’t get invited cause of their class is just dumb. No one’s not gonna invite you to a Normal. Not everything in the game needs to be handed to people. It’s just that simple, if you cannot do Normal mode for the mount then…well maybe… YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE MOUNT. You are not entitled to everything in the game. It is an MMO for a reason, I would love to have every Gladiator mount but I know that it would never happen, and that’s okay. You don’t need everything to be given to you just cause you play the game, stop trying to make everything easy and challenge yourself. You will be fine.




Yea, cool man, I just won’t have any motivation to do the same content again. So I won’t sub until maybe DF. Don’t worry, I’m sure Blizz doesn’t care about our subs.

it’s died down for now around here…but just wait til next week :popcorn:

i’ve had a lot of fun debating/discussing this topic tbh…lots of interesting opinions & ideas :revolving_hearts:


so you’re tired of seeing new topics on this and decided that the best way to deal with that was to… start a new topic about it?
:+1: definitely the right decision.


It will die down soon the new outrage topic is on its way. :joy_cat:


It’s a fated rate, it’s not ‘‘given’’ for most who don’t raid going into this.

If you are also annoyed; telling people to stop complaining 'cause you just love feeling elitist never goes anywhere helpful.

So perhaps keep to yourself if you don’t have anything helpful to contribute. This doesn’t affect you. The dismissive attitude is what makes this game the way it is; and the community as bad as it is. ‘‘YOU DON’T DESERVE IT’’ BLAH BLAH BLAH


Your dismissive attitude is why this game is dead by the way.


if the game is dead why do you play it?


Nah I’ll keep being petty about Blizz’s terrible decision, thanks


Yep exactly. “boy, i can’t wait until those unhappy ppl leave”. New Topic “why does Wow continue to bleed subs”. “why is the world so empty”, “why is my server all of a sudden low pop with nobody to raid with”.


Because it’s fun to bully people who get pressed about not accepting reality.

Who’s Hailey?

It’s funny he said I don’t deserve it but I could say the exact same thing to him and he’d throw the same tantrum.

So what you have the ability to raid and get anything cool? Well, maybe you don’t deserve prestigious rewards then, especially not with that kind of dismissive attitude. But then everyone here would literally combust since it does in fact go both ways.

So what happens if Hailey can’t do normals? Are you gonna tell her that she doesn’t deserve the mount too? :grin:


You don’t deserve to be an elitist jerk, like Ion.

Another one for the iggy list. I’m glad there’s no limit for dealing with wastrels on the forums the way there are ingame.

You must feel deeply offended to try and bring my personals into it lolol. This post was aimed at people like you. Wake up

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Hailey is capable of doing normal


Lol, people saying this game is ded make me chuckle.

Everywhere I go there’s players.

Maybe stop playing in ded servers.