Stop censoring characters

I believe she was like 16 when we first fought her. She may have been an adult during Legion.

I hope so as Rogue players were thirsting hard for Vanessa during Legion.

Lol look at Sylvanas official lore armor on the cover of the 3rd volume of the sunwell trilogy comic and now look at her. The difference is night and day :rofl:


Different times. She found out what clothes were.



That sounds like a way to wind up in jail lol xD



The difference is that she realized she needed to armor up if she’s going to be fighting the Alliance or whoever was her enemy at the time.

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LOL what? :joy:

Ah… oh…

internal screaming

Whitemane now wears full armor as one of the Four Horsemen for Bolvar.


Yikes, I never thought of that…

God you’re right, I forgot they brought her back for death knights.



She’s better this way.

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It’s just pixels bud. They have certain websites you can visit where they let you look at real women’s thighs. Try that out.


Ik it’s a dumb take, but is it really wrong? They’re changing something we bought, it’s like going into someone’s car and taking an important part.

Fanartists are right over there. Give them some money. You get what you want.

No. I don’t. Even if I don’t wanna look good

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I liked her old outfit, Sally Whitemane is pretty iconic. Not just her outfit, but her character. “Rise, champion!” One of my favorite voicelines in the game.

I personally don’t care if WoW characters aren’t wearing practical clothing or armor. This game isn’t really realistic.

That being said, I was happy that she was resurrected and brought back into the story in some way, and I think she looks sick as a DK. I dig the bangs hairstyle for human females, it reminds me of Tura Satana or Betty Page.


Lol, sorry. I’m just tired of these people that get upset when their “material” changes. Like there’s plenty more out there…

Also, the people that pretend this is some kind of attack on women. Like who cares about a video game character? Be outraged the day some kind of law is trying to be passed to cover up women.

Wait, so is OP wrong about her lore being to seduce ppl? Because otherwise :grimacing:


They hold the intellectual rights to all the characters.

If somebody patched a different game you would have little to no ground there as here.

And just to be thorough you don’t actually own anything in this game. We rent time And a license to play it online.