Stop Calling Them "Seasons": A Plea to Blizzard

Who knew?

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Would renaming it to something else like, say… Chapters? …be better, perhaps?

Still a bit creatively lazy, but even that is better than “Seasons”. Chapters imply a narrative structure

I do think there is a fear of missing out with the term Seasonal but I think it also comes with a sense of pride if you were there.

E.G: I love how fly the Shadowlands KSM mounts look. I only have the Season 4 one but I like that I have it as a memory.

I’d probably feel weirder calling it a ‘filler patch ksm mount’ cause really that’s what S4 then was…

yup, i have personally hated this Live Service seasonal model wow has gone with for awhile


It is to make people addicted and feel like they must play. Its literally the intent of calling it a season and having rewards during that time.

I have to say up until DF I was able to totally ignore seasons because I didn’t raid, M+ or even do dungeons outside of the time I was part of an active guild in BFA.

With DF the thing that got under my skin is that I’d work to gear my main and alts and then with the change of a season, all the stuff in my inventory went to trash for cash.

And suddenly I had to focus on gearing all over again instead of actually playing the game. So I never was able to focus my warlock to learn the language questline among other things.

I think it’s doubling down in TWW along with the delves issue.

It’s making me want to play less not more. As it was it was getting !fun in DF where I gave up even trying to improve professions since it just seemed utterly pointless for the most part, especially with the utterly useless Artisans mettle I’m keeping in my bags for the moment in case I decide to go completionist in trying to finish leveling up some professions.

But it changes the whole feel of the game, where you’re ignoring the story and having to focus on mechanics like gearing, which I never ever found fun, just a chore. It also utterly removes the RPG element of the game.

A wall of text, complaining but I see you offered no solution (fyi I didn’t read it all, no need to) . So when would you impose new tier sets without the start of a new season?

I’m not reading all that. But on the list of things to worry about and fix this is pretty low if not the very bottom of issues blizz should focus on. I swear people get upset if the tiniest things

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How so? If the are still using patch names how is calling it “season x” also harming creativity with patch names? You you have examples to support the quality of names going down as they start to use “season”?

If you don’t like the game in its current state, log off man. Get some air. Some human interaction. You sound like you need it.

The seasons do have names.

Arena season is the forged season

While the mythic+ season is Tempered

The raid is nerub palace season.

Idk what the delve seasons title is.

TLDR; no seasons is fine. find something worth while to complain about.

Well well, i didn’t think this day would come but now i have truly seen everything.