Stop Calling TBC "Classic" Its The New Retail

These classic servers are not about upholding any kind of originality. Make no mistake, this is a cash grab for Activision, a way to keep players from closing down their subscriptions and playing on private servers. It is their way to capitalize on the vast private server community and draw them back to the game subscription model.

Blizzard is not in control. Activision is. Activision cares about money, not maintaining the integrity of a game experience.

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Imagine whining about people who pay for a boosted character in worse gear then a level 50. Only reason I didn’t boost was because we couldn’t boost Draenei Shaman. Most folks who play TBC, really don’t want to level through the old world. They want to experience TBC. As we said in 2007 QQ more please.


I kind of feel the same. I have been 50/50 on the shop/boost thing regarding TBC Classic. On one hand, I would prefer it wasn’t there, on the other, it’s not a massive deal to me personally.

I didn’t plan to buy the collector’s edition or a boost, but my son really wanted to play TBC Classic and had not hardly played regular Classic. He used his own money he had saved to buy the Collector’s Edition for himself. I then bought it so I could play with my son, and I don’t regret it one bit. We have been having fun. It was cool experiencing the opening of the portal with my now 11 year old son, who wasn’t even born the first time it happened.

He boosted a druid and I boosted a warlock. We both are familiar with the classes we boosted. We don’t plan to do dungeons, raids or any of that, unless it were with people we know personally.

I of course have all parental controls in place and all chat channels is off for my son. It made me sad to think that you would have petty people coming up to my 11 year old son being rude or spitting on him in game all because he was on his mount enjoying himself, sitting here smiling and having a good time.

If people want to freak out over boosts, store mounts, etc., go for it. But try not to be so childish to those who paid for something Blizzard themselves offered.


Good point.

Let’s get rid of them except on Classic Era servers.

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But, the folder it’s in is literally _classic_.


Promotional and collectors edition stuff existed in original TBC and even in Vanilla.

I’m kinda tired of anti-boosting threads. They sound the same, they add nothing other than incessant whining and complaining…


I would like to farm gold and save money by trading my gold for WoW tokens. I would argue you are denying F2P players from sustaining their playstyle by forcing a paygate that exists without the token. What a pay2win supporter you are!

Lmao go on… Go play ur TBC thinking its safe. Tokens and more mounts/pets are on there way.

Oh who am I kidding, you probably love all that yummy ingame store stuff dont ya retail boi


In Original TBC, we were all retail.


That all changed when Blizzard decided to put in more Store Mounts and microtransactions after Cata, we are not the same anymore

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70% of people buying mage boosts were buying gold to pay for said boosts. Don’t try and deny that there’s any difference between buying a boost from blizzard and buying it from chinese gold sellers.


@Gforce Have u ever heard of a GDKP? In the server Grobbulus those were everywhere Horde side. Many people had thousands upon thousands of gold because of GDKPS. Most people arent bad and waste their money on gold. So again most people who boosted already had a main toon and was getting gold from GDKPS. U retail Furry :rofl: :joy:

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You’re right. They need to call it something like World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Revived. That way they can keep the changes coming and people like you can go back to your vanilla classic and hush.

ok Booster

people still being buttmad about a one-time boost

your tears are delicious
keep crying

Is that supposed to be an insult? If people choose to spend their own money on boosting that’s none of your business.

I however have not boosted. I’m actually leveling a fresh toon because I quit halfway through classic wow when I couldn’t get into any groups because I didn’t have enough gold to buy my way in and you couldn’t actually find other people to do them with. Which is funny because I don’t remember having to buy my way in dungeons back in the day.

Even though I haven’t boosted (yet) I could careless if others do. It’s their choice. No one is forcing you to do anything. Ultimately they still have to play the game to stay competitive. :woman_shrugging:

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u must of played on some crappy servers. “Couldnt buy my way in?” Im assuming you mean GDKPS which are max level raids. That sometime require a gold flash to get an invite. You could of just found a guild that wasnt gdkp (loot council) or nut be baddd. and Ik ur a retail booster its okay bb

Ik…ur too poor to boost. it’s okay bb. :kissing_heart:

its okay I rather not use a pay to win feature in a “classic” video game. Have fun with ur retail furries and microtransactions in $hadowlands. Try to restrain urself when blizzard implements more store toys and mounts in Retail TBC

If skipping old content is your view of pay to win then your concept of pay to win is skewed.

I’ll just have fun with my furries and microtransactions in Classic TBC.

Mmm, i’ll try… no promises though.

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ok booster ik talking to u is a waste of time due to blizzard ingame shop corrutiing your mind but let me try to break this down to you in simple terms

When you skip levels 1-58 and get max skills in everything that is a clear pay to win feature point blank there is no denying that.

Do u understand a little better now Booster? Or do I need to get one of ur retail furry friends to translate?