Stop buffing hunters! good god

is the class not easy and op enough? quit giving a class the ability to sit 40+ yards and 100-0 you. And demon Hunters…4%? get real man. the class tuning in this game is a joke. the only reason DH hasnt gotten executed is because too many kids who have never been good can go into a bg or arena and smash buttons with no rhyme or reason and feel good. Take that away and less time played/resubs…ah, repairs and the constant gold farm that blizz is on to sell more wow tokens.

Yea, hunters are gods in the level 10 bracket, especially against mages like you.

But the good news is you are putting in the effort to learn about pvp at such an early level. By the time you are level 70 and max geared with your mage, you should have an easier time managing the potential abuse all those hunters will inflict upon you.


Buffs? o.O

MM got buffs?


When are we allowed to be concerned that the MM spec tree still looks the same on beta? I don’t think anyone wants another expansion of this version of marks. Both playing it and playing against it.

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Isn’t every hunter tree rn just exactly identical as it was in df?


New stuff next beta reset. Ideally it’s not just tooltip clarifications.

When was the last hunter buff again? Do we count the fix to surv tier sets, still using last season tier in m+ lol, as a real buff?

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Surprise! Pet happiness returns!

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Huh? Last patch was the only pure MM hunter nerf patch in a long time. Pretty much every patch before that had buffs to aimed shot and rapid fire. And, the OP is clearly talking about MM here.

Yea and what happened last patch again?

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Sniper shot got nerfed.

When was the last hunter buff again?

But, here you are making it sound like (MM) hunters haven’t been getting buffs. They have been getting frequent buffs to aimed shot and rapid fire for nearly the entire expansion.

And, right now the overall damage from those two abilities far exceeds what sniper shot was doing even in BGs.

Not after taking it off the mastery.



I’m super casual nowadays, so don’t want to pretend I’m speaking for any active hunters — but from the view of someone who has played a hunter since Vanilla those buffs were kinda problematic.

You’re right, technically there were buffs, but I don’t think they were ones that were really needed. I’d rather they had focused on some of the spec trees and class design. Instead, they focused on changes that felt like the devs weren’t sure what to do at all with the class, so let’s just up their damage on some main abilities to buy some time.

So, thanks devs, but maybe you could have spent some time on rethinking how the class is actually playing.

I still like the hunter class, but this is the most boring iteration of the marks spec I’ve played (I did skip WoD, Legion, and SL … so maybe there was something worse in there).

Can’t just say hunters as thread titles, gotta be specific and say MM hunters.

4% on every single ability is a huge nerf brother.

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The sniper shot nerf was a BG nerf. You want it both ways.

“LOL, BGs don’t matter”


“Look! hunters got nerfed!”