Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

imagine allowing yourself to be camped

Nah bruh it’s all good

Just go do something else or wait and QQ way more

No, this is Blizzard’s design. Yet as usual, you are blaming the playerbase.

This is the Maw, as the fanbois like to say “this is what hell is supposed to be” right?

Yes, it sucks. Enjoy the expansion lol

The simple solution would be to turn it off before going to the Maw, especially since you know this is an issue. I can’t help but point toward the mass amount of posts in BfA of “just turn WM off”. Because it really is a legitimate solution, just turn WM off.

Perhaps the issue is that fact you are so used to garnering the benefits with ZERO effort/repercussions that now that there is a reason to decide whether to keep it on or off, the slight discomfort is offsetting to you. I am sorry but I have no remorse for your situation.

The Alliance never complained about the Bee Mount now…it was you Horde that did cause you couldn’t get it unless you played maxed out Alliance in BfA.

The Ve’nari camp is a rested area, so you can just toggle off Warmode right there and walk to the Oribos portal with ease.

Its an obvious solution if you’re going to get THAT upset over world pvp.

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No, the Horde can’t be outnumbered in PvP - and they’re not allowed to lose, either. Otherwise it’d hurt their internal narrative of being the best and the, “serious” players.

Of course, their whining got it changed - after ignoring Alliance complaints for the entirety of BFA.

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When will the Horde start to realize that warmode can be turned off?

Let’s take a shot everytime a sub-60 alliance avatar points out that avoiding the zone is a solution.


World PvP is bad and this is why.

If its such a huge problem on your realm/shard then one would assume there are others also experiencing it that you could i dunno, team up with? Wow is a social game with social problems that may require a social solution. Or you know just skip the bonus stuff, its extra you dont need it (thats why its bonus and not base)