Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

u dont need to go to a capital u can turn WM OFF on any rested zone (zzz) , and venari camp is a rested zone

Check the hotfix notes, Horde babies cried to daddy Blizzard for yet another hand hold and got it. Inconvenience Horde for 2 days and the nerfs come, camp an Alliance hub for a month in BFA and it’s “Lol just turn off War Mode”


Was there ever any doubt this would be what happened?

Remember this when they conveniently forget by the next Horde bias thread.

Maybe it’s Stockholm Syndrome, but I enjoy the exact thing that people seem to hate about WPvP. In the Maw it’s annoying when 40 alliance are camping near the entrance. On my rogue it’s not too much of an issue but I imagine I’d be more annoyed if my lock was 60 and doing daily Maw grind content.

That being said as someone who enjoys PvP a lot (I’ve only played WoW for about 7 months), being spam killed by alliance groups in the middle of nowhere provide valuable learning opportunities for situations that come up in BGs. Trying to get as much damage out on multiple targets, trying to survive as long as I can, trying to kill one alliance member in the group, having real time situations where I’m forced to maneuver and keep my line of sight, all of this stuff is really fun. I know this is tangential to the topic at hand but I wanted to provide my perspective as a new player.

So glad I dont use that crappy toggle called Warmode

Hey, this fix is for all players, not just Horde. Maybe instead of focusing on who is complaining, you can focus on the issue. Maybe if Horde were doing it to alliance in this location, Alliance complaints could get it fixed.

Should the issue with the Alliance hub have been ignored/derided? no, but it only affects Alliance as only Horde can “camp” Alliance locations. This area? neutral with no guards, Alliance could camp it for Horde and Horde could camp it for alliance.

To sum it up:
Alliance camping a Horde town/camp/etc? Horde should turn off Warmode or group up and fight back
Horde Camping an Alliance town/camp/etc? Alliance should turn off warmode or group up to fight back
Either faction camping what is essentially a sanctuary exit? While turning WM off or grouping up are options, maybe a short buff to allow people out should be considered, more so if the area is not marked as a rest area.

However, I would have prefered something more like “killing a player in the Maw increases eye of the jailer by 1 level a kill and keeps the player from leaving the maw for x amount of time”. PvP, even world PvP, is all well and good, but there needs to be something that makes players stop and think “oh, maybe I better not do that here, I can get them later”.

Remember, in Wrath a Horde general attacked Alliance while the Alliance were fighting Scourge and then got chewed out by Garrosh, would fighting each other in the Maw be any smarter?

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This is probably what they want you to do btw.

And it’s actually how horde are dealing with the camping when I do it. They all wait - group up and then roll us. Traditional horde style.

What happened to you horde?! You guys used to be so good at dealing with this type of thing lol.

A serious fall from Grace.

I personally think a lot of Alliance players, with little to no interest in PvP, switched to Horde for the benefits. These are likely the ones complaining the most instead of trying to group up to fight back. Yet at the same time, there was a period of time when Alliance were the PvP faction (EMFH overpowered) so some of our PvPers went alliance.

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war mode off… why would anyone turn war mode on. Stop doing that to yourself.

All is well. Blizz fixed the issue. Rejoice in the tears of the sweaty neck beards. :rofl:

Yeah I know a lot of people switched horde over the past few years for benefits, guilds and races as well.

Horde is the new alliance lol

Sounds exactly like what Alliance players had to do all throughout BFA going between BFA objectives at the start of each new patch or new WQ, world boss, etc, etc. Raids of horde waiting for any alliance player foolish enough to show up and gank them instantly.

Sadly, now that the shoe’s on the otherfoot, the true horde bias of the community and especially that of blizzard, shows it’s ugly face as the horde are babied and a hotfix is rolled out.

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Turn off warmode

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First of all, two wrongs don’t make a right. And second, name any other places where a currency was only obtainable at one place that was as heavily bottlenecked as the maw was.

And third, this whole thread has been useless ever since they patched in the buff. Buff that would have happened if alliance was on the receiving ends. If you think otherwise, you’re not arguing in good faith.

That’s easy, Timeless Isle.

Literally raids of horde camping the teleport spawn point and the alliance camp/flightmaster. Not to mention the choke points, such as the bridge to get to the upper area (near the Huolon’s spawn point).

Also Isle of Giants when that was still relevant, literal raids blocking access to Oondasta, the dense dino spawn areas, and the bone vendor (though this area was optional content unlike timeless isle).

I think there’s a real simple and thematically appropriate solution to the Ve’nari pvp problem. Make pvp cause you to build wrath/attention with the Jailer, just like literally every other activity in the Maw does. Makes no sense that it doesn’t already.

Listen, I’m no fan of PvP, specifically because it tends to bring out the kinds of behaviors you’re talking about, OP. This said… your avatar is showing 60th level. If you’re at the cap & you have War Mode turned on, this is an explicit statement on your part, since it’s off by default, that you want to PvP, acknowledging that odds are not always fair.

I get it: being camped sucks. I wouldn’t want it happening to me (and I pity any Alliance in War Mode on my realm; we’re really Horde-heavy). But there’s a very easy way to stop it from happening. Pop into the portal to Orgrimmar from Oribos, turn it off, step back into the Oribos portal, then dive into the beam of light. You’re in The Maw, and no one can gank you.

Why do you have War Mode turned on at 60 if you don’t want to PvP? You don’t get the XP bonus anymore.

Who’s ready for the Tuesday cow buffet tomorrow morning at reset?

So, PvP happened.