Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

rested area to turn it off.
capital to turn it on.

ally are super bad this expansion.
like, camping ve’nari, camping flight paths, it’s honestly ridiculous.

remove their buff already, blizzard.

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I’m starting to see how people didnt understand the concept of pvp servers now

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I’ve seen Horde do the same

This entire time playing, I haven’t seen this once.

Sounds to me like ya’ll got world pvp’d and came to the forms

The other night someone on my server was bragging in general about how they were locking down a quest giver to keep the alliance from using it.

People just never notice when their faction does because their own faction usually isn’t ganking them lol

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Well in the massive amount of shards I can happily say that your experience is not the same as everyone elses.

Oh okay pardon me

So take out a grand total of ONE of the points I posted. Good job. My whole argument is ruined. Whatever shall I do now :roll_eyes:

Everytime I go to Ve’nari there are at least 5+ ally just sitting there.

You want the benefits of war mode without the consequences. Grow Up.

Goood! My statement to him is the same for you.

You’ve been killed by the alliance, would you like to be redirected to the forums to cry or do you wish to release spirit?

You’re entire argument is invalid by all the horde parroting what I’ve been saying.

The alliance 10 minutes every 3 hours on a single shard vs horde 170 minutes out of 180 on every shard?

By the way, I remember horde camping naz on end for months when it was released.

So according to this then, the complaint is moot, since only a very least, a handful experienced this, and since each experience and encounter is different. This who thread and event that lead up to it is a non-issue.


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Great math here. Millions of players in the game and only 618 posts on the forum.

EvErY sInGlE sHaRd MuSt OnLy HaVe AlLiAnCe CaMpInG vEnArI eXiT

Now you’re nitpicking my statement.

Nothing to nitpick. It’s flatout wrong. Do you actually believe that there’s not a single shard of Horde camping the same way Alliance is?

There are 2 solutions to your problem:

  1. Form a massive raid of horde players and destroy the group.
  2. Turn War Mode Off. (Same advice Horde Players gave me at the start of BfA)
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