Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

How about if you’re killed twice in a 10 minute period in pvp you get a 5 minute debuff that makes you untargetable by other players. This would at least give you a chance to slip by and away.

Yeah like fighting me right now is completely unfair unless you have a 1 shot in your back pocket or an immunity. Otherwise I’m 1 shotting you if I have my CDs up.

You can’t imagine the immense abuse that would lead to?

Does not invade other phantoms

who the **** is screaming “DISABLE WAR MODE” at my house. show yourself, coward I will never disable warmode

I mean every other reply said it: Turn off warmode. When I was horde and had the advantage I didn’t even use it then, because to be honest even 1 minute of interruption is not enough for the “bonus” to make worth it.

I watch people grief, and sit around in 40 man groups farming players and think that’s a pretty big waste of time. The stacking of systems in retail WoW have gotten pretty significant and the use of my time can’t be hindered by trivial children that is literally accomplishing no goal but helping to ice the cigarette burns someone put out on their arms.

Even more distasteful is people using alts to post in the forums, because they are ashamed of the dribble that comes out of their mouths.

I’m willing to bet every single gold on my entire account that 95% of the people who are in here trolling and defending the griefers are some of the people that are doing the griefing.

And it’s even funnier to me that the vast majority of them are horde players because of course they are.

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You don’t have to partake to find whining about it obnoxious. This is entirely avoidable, which is a luxury we didn’t already have. So I have zero sympathy for people who complain.

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I’ll be honest, I found it weird the portal to oribos is outside the rested safe zone, no one else find that a bit odd too??.

If nazjatar teached us anythyng is that alliance players love an unfair fight while keeping all the bonuses and still crying about horde bias


Both sides gank and corpse camp. It’s not a phenomenon exclusive to one faction.

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That is bull and you know it. Yes there are alliance campers, but the horde campers vastly outnumber them.

It’s basically a 75/25 split and you wanna “both sides” me lol

the FBI would like to know your location

You get 12 seconds of immunity and invis, use it.

I play on a RP server connected to one of the most Alliance skewed servers in the game. I can assure you that the Alliance corpse camps and ganks just as much as the Horde does. uwu

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Weird, I had a lot more trouble with Horde shutting zones downs as Alliance. Especially on Classic.

What are you babbling about?

Bubble and run to the portal?

When you die in the Maw, you get 12 seconds of immunity and invisiblity.

I honestly forgot Warmode’s bonus was a thing and had it off the entire time I played the story mode. I was 60 before I hit Revendreth. Why is your warmode even on, if you’re jackin’ around in the Maw? Warmode wasn’t made to be an EXP buff. You turn it on to PVP. The EXP is a bonus incentive because world PVP has always sucked donkey balls.

Even back when I used it before my long break, I turned that #%@! off the second I hit 60.