Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

Yet classic came around and offered the same opportunity. Low and behold, 99% of them ended up 1 sided poop shows.

Go figure.

PVP servers were awesome fun. I miss them.

Sublimes album was originally titled 40 players to D/C

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You are such a dork lmao. :yellow_heart:

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Aww you finally have a helmet.

But all pvp games do buffs and nerfs constantly. LoL, overwatch, even smash bros.

That’s because when the community is so big there are always new combinations, new interactions etc… that need reworks and buffs and so on. Also to make the metas not stale. Also because as the community in general becomes better at the game, new ways to win exist and so on.

Making a balance cycle is completely normal and required.

I went through a Rainman transmog OCD a few days back and decided I was “having a bad hair day” and felt that a helm was an appropriate armor accoutrement. Definitely.

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They were one-sided poop shows in vanilla too. But it was fun making lists of players who ganked you so you could gank them back later. You can’t do that in modern WoW because of sharding.

Community was what made WPvP fun and that community doesn’t exist in 2020

You’re not wrong, but there were ones where it was fairly balanced.

Seriously I wish Emerald Dream was never touched.


Turn off warmode you child.

That is incorrect, as DAoC demonstrated.

ED is pretty well balanced but it’s tipping more to horde it seems. Had a few higher prog guilds mosey-on over down the horde-way in 8.3

Incorrect x2. Daoc buffed and nerfed constantly because all 3 sides had different classes.

That’s a shame. I want to assume that this is due to the mass exodus ED experienced and folks went WRA and MG respectively for more RP opportunities.

LOL no.


I know of one friend who moved their toys back over to MG, maybe for RP - they really dig it. Makes perfect sense to me

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MoP Emerald Dream had the best WPvP I’ve ever experienced in the game. Warmode will never come close and anyone who thinks WM does is out of their mind.

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WRA feels really skewed towards the Alliance. But it IS in the same cluster as Moonguard so that isn’ surprising

While I do agree that it is griefing in a certain way, I do not agree with your complaint, unlike the forced pvp flagging of the pre-patch event, the pvp here is 100% optional and you have the tools to opt out of it anytime and play without being bothered by these players.
People were being griefed during the event because they had no other option, but here you’re being griefed because you choose to not use the tools provided to you to cease it.

I played for 7 years and had several high RRs on all 3 realms. Dont try to lie to fit your narrative.

Seriously, I see folks complaining about the Maw and I’m just getting Throne of Thunder and Timeless Isle flashbacks. Those WPvP fights were insane. Not to mention the PvP vendor wars.