It’s not idiotic to say you’re problem is pvp happening, and if you don’t like it opt out. No one is forcing you to turn on warmode.
Ah, gotta love the collection of recent WMPvP complaints this expansion.
“Was in WM, on a lowbie alt, and a max level ganked me; obviously they are some deviant sociopath criminal…”
“I was minding my own business taking ingame screenshots of a beautiful valley, when suddenly I am tossed over the cliff by [faction]+[class with knockback], why is [faction] so [naughty language] racist?!”
“Was finishing up a quest, and BOOM, killed by three [faction]… clearly, losers, can’t 1v1 like a real man.”
and, this thread…
It’s mind blowing. It’s completely optional.
whoa wait hold up.
are people stating here as fact that there are now world PVP hotspots in the maw for warmode?
If this is true i finally have a reason to put that crappy mode on since ill actually see people to fight.
Turn off WM? Nah, nah.
Better solution; disable sanctuaries when war mode is on.
Also add Anarchy Mode where you have no faction line
Well yeah pretty much. In the end very few people actually like world pvp.
That’s why they say only 1v1 or whatever, they want pvp in their terms.
Dang… if only people can turn off pvp anytime they want.
I stopped caring. When people show that they’re awful people you just stop caring.
People who do this to grief and harass others are complete dolts.
So why in the world you you say something as silly as “I actually hate Alliance players and would hate them IRL”.
Who talks like that?
True. Gate dueling is more engaging.
Hmmm /noogies
Blizz could also make the Cypher function outside of the Maw, increase the cost if necessary, and put a teleportation orb in or near the refuge.
As I said, people who do this with this mentality I would not get along well with IRL.
Right now it’s Alliance. In BfA I hated the Horde who pulled this stupidity non-stop.
Or again you can turn off WM. No need to waste programming time on this.
I think it’s clear you enjoy the easy kills.
Honest to Bob, I barely have it on.
I accept WM, and that generally when I am levelling I hate it.
It is clear though that you expect things to be changed because the game happened, like it has been for 16 years. You have the opt out.
Maybe some of the Horde camping Duskwood could help you out?
You’re free to your opinion, but I’m coming up with ideas for those who don’t share it. It’s fair to say that most people don’t enjoy being bottlenecked at least half the time.
Turn. off. war mode