Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

I guess winter is finally here, the first snowflakes are beginning to show up.

I joined a 5-person group to get that sweet, sweet anima.

It’s by far the most convenient way to do Against Overwhelming Odds which grants huge anima. I’ll probably do it again tonight, too.

Though when not on that quest, the bottle neck does feel like an oversight. On the other hand, it’s nice to have that dedicated PvP spot. I don’t like wandering around the zones hoping to run into potential challengers.


No, the solution is to turn off WM, not to reinvent the wheel.

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Most of the foxes I know (yes, me too, I have two foxes for horde side I love as much as my lock), dive right in to what the OP is complaining about. Could be we are in the minority of the horde now. We are those who see big fight, scamper over and take multiple dirt naps before calling it a day and moving on smiling we had fun, despite getting steam rolled. :sweat_smile:

You’re joking right? You think that would fix it?? What happens when a player is done with ve’nari?

No, I remember the alliance complaining until their war mode bonus was buffed and they got a weekly quest for free loot

It wouldn’t fix it, b it it would at least give options instead of being insta-ganked out of the portal.

i’m gonna guess you were always on a server where you were the dominant faction.

You literally lose stygma if you die.
You literally handcap yourself by turning on warmode and would have more stygma with this off, that is not for people whom want to grind, thats for people that want to pvp while doing stuff on the world and they get a small reward for it, or you gonna tell me heroic and normal dgs shouldn’t give anima power because they handcap you otherwise? lol

Oh that mustve been fun to play on emerald dream. All other PvP server were HEAVILY one sided.

You cant complete the quest in a raid.

Turn off warmode.

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Right, they complained just like OP did about things they could avoid by turning off WM.

You can guess that but you’d be wrong. In wrath, my brother, a friend and myself moved to an alliance server with a imbalance favoring horde just to have more chances to fight.

It still wasn’t as bad as server lagging Nazjatar or the seemingly ever constant Alliance presence in the Maw on WM.

Here’s a better option, turn off Warmode at Oribos, jump into the maw. When you’re back in Oribos turn it back in again. Problem solved.

Edited, thanks.

It doesn’t make sense. You are giving into the toddler pitching a fit because they want skittles. You don’t rebuild new entrances when the work around is as simple as turn off WM.

They need to stop catering to people who don’t want to use the resources available to them.

So easy to say turn off WM when you’re advantaged. Most people don’t act the same otherwise.

Your point makes no sense. Of course you lose stygia if you die, but the amount from a player death is like 8 total per. The handicap is the fact that you miss out on earning the 10%-30% EXTRA while WM is on. Its like people are incapable of reading on these forums.

The bonuses come from the PvP you don’t get them unless you consent, simple as that.

You don’t get to keep them and avoid doing the content.

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Have the Horde stop caming Oribos, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Revendreth, and maybe. I like how you are complaining about WPvP while in WPVP…and the side thats doing it more

They did.
Then horde complained they couldn’t find any alliance.
Then we have the bonus. Which was never a big deal just one more weekly chore.

I play solo, i turn off when i don’t want to wpvp. Simple and easy.

Its a % based on what you have.

If you arent getting stygma and keeps dying you are handcapping yourself and your play time, system is not to optimize grind, it is to give pvp players less time wasted when they die or get ganked. Its not focused for sweaties grinds.
Simple enough less time wasted on dying means more stuff, considering the 10% for horde you are losing A LOT for dying.

Ya, you are part of the problem though.

I don’t think the grouping needs to be ‘fixed’ because I like it occasionally and it’s pretty well impossible to prevent it. What needs to be fixed is the portal camping, at least in the event where there’s only one portal.

It has a fix, its called warmode off.

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