To be clear, this guy left WoW recently, and doesn’t work on the game anymore.
Oddly enough, this is why he is open to sharing now… there are no rules inhibiting him from talking with the community.
Props to him for doing this cause he probably threads on thin ice from a potential lawsuit.
There’s a reason nobody in this industry talks much about what’s going on behind the scene outside anonymous reddit posts or emails to youtubers.
it’s crazy that they make literally millions each month.
them having only a few people working on class design is just embarassing!
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Having watched the majority of it… it appears that Blizzard has a “wait and see” - and takes months to make even a minor change.
That is the world of warcraft we play. (or are quitting)
He left Blizzard during the focused PvP testing period during the beta.
When I realized that happened, my expectations for Shadowlands PvP were lowered quite dramatically.
I haven’t had a chance to watch the video yet, but he might still be under NDA.
I would very much like to hear what that experience was like for him and why he decided to ultimately leave…
Wait hold up. There are only like 2 people that do class design? What the actual f? This game is one of the biggest games in the history of games and they cant actually devote resources to one of the most fundamental parts of the game lol. What an actual joke.
edit: Since he no longer works there its what down to one person. Hate to be that person right now lol.
He mentions why tho, people within the team would start arguing, why you nerfed my class and stuff because they were emotionally attached to them.
He also said if i remember correctly that its not only one person doing class design, but they’re giving small bit of class among many other thing they need to design like world quest, future content and stuff
That sounds like a terrible excuse. You need healthy discussions on this sort of thing and passionate people to come up with good ideas. This is also a fundamental aspect of the game. It now makes sense to me why you have certain specs and classes just under performing expansion after expansion they just don’t have the manpower to cover everything.
He basically admits that he doesn’t do arenas and mostly does random BGs at the shadowlands experience segment. Listening to this guy feels like they just found some random guy in RBG LFG that’s 1500 rated and asked them to balance the game.
It really is a wonder they don’t hire some of these streamers to help balance pvp.
It’s because wow has become a cash cow for them sadly. Invest as little as possible and get as much money out as you can. Really sad for the game, it’s why I’m going to hang up my hat and call it a day after 10 years with wow.
That mmr bit at the end was savage af telling people a bot can determine if you’re forever 1300 from 30 seconds of gameplay LOL
I think his point was that their discussions weren’t healthy or productive.
These are supposed to be professionals if they should be able to handle some headbutting.
Can say the same thing about Congress.
I feel like anybody with a spectrum-level obsession with the company could just get the job at this point. Even if you’re bad at numbers and balance. As long as you pretend hard enough, you’re in.