Stonemaul Horde Reconnections

I’ll be playing for sure. The family is all doing well, parents are moving back to the US and are thinking about playing casually eventually.

I remember inspecting you when i was like 13.

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Yes!!! This is Shamzilla orc shaman and I played a mage too Hexibus. I’ve been looking for leatherneck forever. I’m rolling horde on Fairbanks

Find me on discord Br0barian#2925

Turdette, troll hunter…Azula, belf lock…Sedina, belf pally…
Sibling was Alliser, undead rogue.
Any Narrischkeit members?

sup friendos - I ran with a bunch of you back in the day in toten>defile>UE and other lesser guilds: Organized Chaos… (main was a druid named “Never”, also had a pally “Holyfyre”, shaman “Stormfyre”, mage “Whitefyre”, etc. - I’m still on Stonemaul.

@Smeltn or @Nwb
Hey, bud! This is Jester (undead mage) of old. I transfered off of Stonemaul forever ago, which I wished I didn’t. In fact, I think I paid way too much for server transfers and race changes. Regardless, good to see a familiar name on this thread. What faction/server you thinking of playing classic on? Anybody else from the Wreckoning days?

While I don’t remember you, I do remember inspecting the legendary orc warrior known as…Dave. On the way to to turn in a quest or post my auctions, everything went to a halt because Dave was near the Org Bank for all to inspect his gear.
Good times. When epics meant something.


Hey guys idk if anyone remember me ! (From QC,Canada)

Was playing as Simonak (Druid Resto) or myndz (UD Mage)

I think I might have been in Redemption guild or Totenreich can’t remember for sure ! Was raiding a lot.

I think we also formed 2 guild afterward End-Game and Chain Reaction

Was playing with Typhus and Kain hit me up !

Hey everyone, So i played a resto druid named ipulwitheals in the guild hungering souls. Trying to find anyone I played with back then.

Totenreich was the guild,many a runs with these fellows i remember, for those who remember this great guild of stonemaul back in the classic days oh the countless fights against the A TEAM. Barraka was my character name,and a priest is the class i played.

Freezy Ud mage
Blood requiem, Deja Vu
guildies, anyone that wants to join up, I am rolling a priest on Herod named smoshnasty

Yo, anybody seen:
Or any other Bloodlines members? (Hi Rimman)



It’s Solipsist!

Undead Mage as well I joined up in BR with you!

I was on the wrong character but it’s me, Solipsist!

Solipsist, Undead Mage

I’ll be playing with another Stonemaul member, Serey who was an Undead Warlock.

We were in Battaosai together as well as Blood Requiem for most of my career. I joined into FA and UE briefly but that was while everyone was on the way out and the new expansion and all that so that was very brief.

Notable names I’m looking for: Lucifer, Haydon, Organic, Primus, Ashe, Freezy, Beckon, Pat, Odjob and I’m sure many more!

Looking for some people I played Horde with from Stonemaul.

Odina, Smeltn, Snipper, Nethe

Morgil - Undead Priest
The Swarm or Totenreich
anyone out there?

Junox - Tauren Hunter

Gnome Punters Inc or Totally Unbreakable.

Anyone still alive?

whats up me and my friends are on herod but i think we are going to switch to skeram when it launches, horde off course my name is freezy troll priest on skeram

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