Stonemaul Horde Reconnections

Rahajal - Troll Shaman
Guild: Clan Chowder
If you’re out there Toadstlfood/Toadstulfood, hope you’re well haha.

Endowed - Priest
Venson - Rogue

Unknown Entity and Final Ascension have merged, we are now Final Entity on Whitemane PvP.
Accepting raid applications, join our discord to apply or just come say hi!

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Kuroda - Rogue
Problem - Shaman

The Shadows Return / Totenreich

Outofpower - Priest

Deja Vu mostly

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Looking for a guy named Hydroweed he was orc rogue I believe also had a toon Coverfire troll hunter

Hey old friend, I can reach out to some of the original crew on social media.
Jazychad - Warlock

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OdusX- Tauren Warrior, will be jumping back in

Grohg, undead rogue. Totenreich, LotH, and UE in wrath. Been on A52 and Emerald Dream since.

Grohg, I’m going to need you to join the FA/UE discord or it’s going to be a DKP dock.


Lorielle - Tauren Hunter

Not to be confused with Lorelei, the mage :slight_smile:

I was in a few guilds… The Foot, Prognoviach, Shadow Corp, among others.


Oiad - Tauren Shaman

Spent too much time in Goldshire.

Bring back 2h enhance baby, letsa go.

Hatoki - Tauren Druid.
Healer from Totenreich’s night crew and The Desperado’s before that.
Looking forward to reliving some of the old days :slight_smile:

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Totenreich has mandatory PvP in

Alejos is going to gkick you if you don’t show up Hatoki.


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Hey cant remember all the guilds i was in it was so long ago. i was in Final Ascension. The shadows return does sounds familiar.
Fleshy - Undead Mage
Enter - Tauren Shaman

I remember raiding with you guys from BWL/AQ40/Naxx and a little bit in TBC
Hit me up if you remember me.


Were you in a guild Fear Itself in WotLK? I was in the guild and remember someone with the same now. I was Hatchitman/Hatchetmane/Hatchemage.

I did it for the DKP…

Rimman undead rogue
Yourwife tauren druid
Mib undead mage
i was in so many guilds Heritage, Core, Bloodlines, FA
i am definitely looking for a “casual” raiding guild with familiar faces
The one person i remember the most, other than the guy that got me into WoW (thanks Kyle) from vanilla was an Enhance shaman named Peacekeeper who proved that a shaman could tank. We cleared LBRS. And had a blast doing it!
Oh snap i just remembered Dave. I only raided with the guy once or twice but i remember inspecting him for the first time outside the AH in Org, just being amazed by his gear and wondering how the hell do i get gear like that?

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I remember running AV BGs with this guy named Berserk can’t remember his class but man that was fun.

Anybody from the Guild Hells Kitchen?


Hello old friend

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