Stone Drakes Return To The Dragon Isles?

Don’t know much about the stone drakes lore, do they belong in the Dragon Isles, or they are content in Deepholm?

Would be cool to have them as our final drakes for dragon riding before expansion ends.

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Where are my nightmare dragons.

Or are they not welcome?

I think canonically stone drakes are actually just elementals shaped like dragons.

Sort of the opposite of the incarnates who are dragons that embraced the elements.

Unless that was retconned.


Stone drakes are Deepholm natives.

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I was thinking on both ideas, since the aspects didn’t have any mention or relation towards the stone drakes and how they are only seen in Deepholm. They don’t have to be part of Dragon Isles if they existed before or after the creation of the Dragon Isles, but I wish some lore in depth creation of stone drakes were somehow explained before closing Dragon Flight.

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What about Storm Drakes in Northend and The Lost Isles?

There’s an idea the dev team suggested that the stone drakes are related and I expect that’s what is happening. :mag::robot:

What are the origins of stone and storm drakes?

Brann Bronzebeard recently uncovered evidence, corroborated by reports from adventurers in Deepholm, that proto-dragons and dragons may have origins in these—and other—elemental drakes. The inhabitants of Deepholm, the Skywall, the Firelands, and the Abyssal Maw are less than talkative on these matters, however, and most of them were not around when the elemental prisons were created.

I think it does fit if we explore more Incarnate lore in War Within-- especially if Iridikron should be involved. :robot::+1:


It’s too bad stone drakes won’t be a dragon riding mount. I think Blizzard forgot them in Cataclysm and again in Dragon Flight or just left them for TWW expansion since it’s going to be all about rocks.

I think Blizzard is done adding new dragons to the dragon riding mount list. Hopefully we’ll see more stone drake lore next expansion.

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Still another chance as a dragon riding mount since the gryphon is already somewhat available. :thinking:

…although it does seem confirmed it’ll be a flying machine first. :mag::robot:

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I’d like for them to tell us how the primal dragons got their power.

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What’s a good stone mount to use on my stone dwarf that will be using a stone dragon for flying?

I have all the stone drakes but I’ll probably use the red one.

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Stone drake for stone race, because Earthens will crush all the other mounts, they weigh more then a pandaren, tauren and Kul’Tiran combined.

Let me tell you a thing or two about the stoner drakes.

They are, indeed, chill as all get out. Let that be known. They also have plenty of snacks and munchies to eat. Hot Chocolate. Places to take awesome naps. Access to the best gardens. They talk a lot slower than most of the other dragons and you are constantly wondering if they are awake or of their eyes are really squinty.
They fly waaaay slower than the other drakes, but they never notice.

They LOVE cartoons. They’re constantly telling me “Put on Shrek” - They think he’s real. Too funny.

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