At level 63, I cannot get any Stitchyard companion to accompany me in Maldraxxus; asking one to accompany me makes them despawn from their location in the Stitchyard, but they never respawn as a companion. This makes it impossible to complete many Necrolord Stitchyard-related achievements and quests, such as Chordy’s Luckydos or be eligible for the mount drop from Tahonta (which requires Neena be accompanying you).
This happens as soon as you level up to 61.
+1 to this. We shouldn’t be locked out of completing these covenant quests just because we’re above 60.
I tried to use party sync to get this to work and nope - aboms still won’t appear.
+1 to this. I’m also having issues and means I cannot kill Tahonta to try and get the stupid mount from Maldraxxus.
This is also happening to me. I’m sure it is low on the priority list with the new expac out but man it is frustrating considering it has been weeks since a single drop and now it may not be available at all.
Came to the forums to look for something like this. +1. Experiencing the same issue. If the Neena NPC won’t appear at our side past 60, I hope they at least lift the mount drop requirement of having Neena with us. Hope we get an answer/fix soon.
And another +1 super frustrating when I daily do my Unity quests trying to finish this set I’ve been working on for over 9months and it’s still not complete.
Just throwing more awareness at this issue and venting slightly that the final piece of my mail Stitchyard set is finally available this week, on Chordy’s quest which I can’t do because of this bug. Please for the love of god fix this before reset, i’m begging you.
Another bump.
Same issue. Trying to finish off some covenant things and have despawned three companions from the world.
Again, to echo others, there are 2 pieces available this week on one toon and I can’t get one because sabrina won’t spawn. I tried to avoid leveling to 61 but I couldn’t get the world quest done to check for unity pieces and not level.
Another bump, same issue for me.
Be nice if this could at least be acknowledged as a bug. I still haven’t gotten Tahontas mount farming the last 2 months every day on 6 toons.
You are missing a mount, I am missing the last piece of Tmog gear for my DK, the ones that are RNG to even have a chance at getting. The reward is up this WEEK yet it is Roseboil with it. I can’t complete the quest as Roseboil is MIA so I can’t use her ability.
Although Unity no longer appears post level 60, you can still get your transmog. Just make sure you select Unity from the stitchyard .It will disappear, but if you do the quest, then the transmog is rewarded when it is handed in. It worked for my level 62 the other day when it was available on Rare Resources.
All the others that require interaction like Chordy, Sabrina though are still broken. Only Unity still works and that’s only because you dont need to interact, just have it “out”
Has anyone tried seeing if you can complete via shared credit with one that is sub 61 with access to one of the ones you need to actually interact with?
I just tried it, it worked, so possible work around till Blizzard gets off its rear end and fixes it.
as of today I can FINALLY see Unity!!!
I am still experiencing this bug on my level 70 Monk “Happy-Dreadmaul”
Are there any fixes? People still dealing with it? I can’t farm the mount