<STING> [PVP] [Alliance] [NA] [Casual Raid -- Semi-HardCore]

Greetings all,

A little history:

STING is a gaming community that formed way back in mid-late 1997. We started as a Quake 1 Team Fortress Clan that competed in various competitive leagues back then such as the OGL (Online Gaming League), STA (Stronger Than All) and the TFLeague.

We recreated the Clan into an Outfit in a game called Planetside in 2003 and grew to over 150 active members.

World of Warcraft was then released in 2004 and so STING the guild was created on the Deathwing server. We grew very quickly and were one of the most populated guilds on the server. We took Rag down towards the end of 2005. We were never ‘hardcore’ but we had a dedicated team of raiders that pushed on until we did it.

Fast forward to present day and we are ‘getting the band back together’ for WoW Classic. We have gathered as many old STINGer’s we could find to return to Azeroth - and we would love to have you with us as well!

What we are looking for
Truth be told, we are all old now and a lot of us are married with kids. We are looking for members who are NOT typically ‘hardcore’ or ‘no-lifers’. Those types are perfectly fine! However, they would probably not like our guild.

I would say we are looking for people who:

  1. Love WoW; especially the classic era
  2. Like making friends while playing games
  3. Casual to semi-hardcore players who, if schedule permits, will make raid times and want to complete tier content
  4. Older 30+ crowd who have a job and family commitments but can still take time during the week to game with his/her buddies (though under 30s crowd always welcome)
  5. While we will be looking to complete raids, we do expect anyone participating to know their class well and able to research the fights ahead of time
  6. You don’t care about being level 60 and molten core geared 1 week after classic servers go live
  7. Generally nice and friendly people

Like I mentioned before, we did complete Molten Core back at launch about a year after the game released. Not breakneck speed, but we got there and had a blast doing it.

As far as raid days and times, during the mid-morning to early afternoon seem popular with parents as the kiddos are in school. But we would have another group for the evening as well (planned). There would be a raid leader for the day raids and one for the evening. It is subject to change, but Tues/Thurs 10am-1pm PST for the days and 8pm-11pm PST for the evening.

We have a lot of PVP players as well, so in addition to raiding, we would have PVP events (either world or BGs when they release).

If you are interested in joining us, simply message RedDog#0332 on Discord.

I am interested, but it says I can’t message that person on discord because I am not their friend.

Send me another request. I saw your request come thru but when I went to accept it was gone so I assumed you cancelled it. Or leave me your discord ID and I’ll add you

this looks very interesting to myself and a friend of mine. do you now which server you’ll be going yet?

Yes we do. We posted it in our discord. We want to avoid streamers if we can so we’re creating 3 toons across 3 ranked server picks

Zentt#6063 i tried your discord tag, wouldn’t work for me

Sure, sent the friend request.

Definitely interested, request to discord sent.

I’m interested, seems like a good fit for me.

Welcome aboard guys! :slight_smile:

Awesome I’m excited about this!!

We are too! Welcome again!

It’s amazing how we’ve all stayed in contact in STING. We were all a bunch of bros in our college years chatting on teamspeak/vent drinking and doing poor Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonations and over the years we fell apart with a handful of connections all over the place

Seeing so many recognizable names on discord is amazing. I’ve always kept in touch with Iggy/Crossis & Gabrielle over the years and knowing that I get to group again in the content in which we had so many good times with makes me so excited to experience this again. Amazing how the 6 degrees of separation worked and we all stayed in touch through our network of friends one way or another.

This will be such a fun guild to group with for any one who is interested. Not a huge amount of stress, always willing to group - in Vanilla a bunch of level 60’s grouped with me when I was level 55 to help me finish off my leveling experience. I look forward in doing that again with guildies. Helping one another through everything.

That is what made the experience of Vanilla great, was the community we built

1 Like

It’s been fun so far! Here’s to an encore!

Rizen. Bump

Welcome aboard, Rizen. Glad to have you!

i made a post looking for guild and someone post this guild for me to check out hoping to maybe join as a shadow priest for pve/pvp

Go ahead and add me to discord, Helen


