Its been a couple weeks and im still at neutral rep with my own guild when for months ive been Exalted, cant access the GB cant use Caulrons… and im the GM…
Please for for pete’s sake
Its been a couple weeks and im still at neutral rep with my own guild when for months ive been Exalted, cant access the GB cant use Caulrons… and im the GM…
Please for for pete’s sake
You haven’t done any dailies in those few weeks? Quests you haven’t finished? Throw on a tabard and go get it back. Yes it sucks. No it is not your fault. Either way if you want it back you’ve gotta go get it Blizzard will not help you.
It seems like ever since they started putting out all these other Classic servers, the progression servers have been on the back burner.
And I have a question for you, Random. How long did it take you to farm all those achievements? I been grinding non stop since July of last year, and I don’t have half the achievement points you do.
There are reason why i stopped ,is that i didnt have to do them anymore, dailies are the worst part of this game since they are stupidly repetitive. I find it implausible that this multi-billion dollar company to at least spend some resources to fix an error they created
Achievements came into effect April 21st 2021, I’ve been collecting them for a bit longer than you so far
That’s true. But you quite possibly have the most achievement points that I’ve seen in Cata. I’m jelly lol
all of their time is in sod and retail. They dont give a crap about era or cata
While I agree with everything you’ve said…if your achievements suddenly disappeared, would you have the same response?
If it was my achievements I’d go burn their building down. I’m already down about 67/100 Isle wins from the pvp bug keeping me from IoC mastery until they get off their butts for that one. Already had to go re-complete all of Feralas quests on an alt because they “fixed that bug” on paper but did absolutely nothing about the root of the cause.
They are fixing bugs? That would explain me logging into my original classic hunter 2 weeks ago and getting the achievement for like SFK rfk and the 100k HK achievement.