Still waiting on news to have PvP queue removed

Sure, more world pvp for me then.

Another Karen post

It will probably be too late at that point. If that is what happens, I hope they go to a lead dev with less of an ego than what they have now. Its Blizzard, so probably not.

DK nerfs were also finalized in 3.3, but we will be launching with them.

You need to stop with this argument because it’s silly. There is no such thing that represents the entire population. That’s not how it works. You work with the information that is available. If the majority of the information available says ‘RDF good’ then that’s what you have and you work with it.


They did a random survey for this purpose that was actually sample size of the playervase, not just angry forum users.

You sound like you’re trying to imply casual players won’t want LFD. In reality LFD would help and be welcomed even more by the casual crowd.


That wouldn’t work because there are 2 teams in a BG.

Immersion and realism is one thing, but if it goes completely against gameplay and isn’t a fun mechanic, it shouldn’t be implemented.

I’ve already stated in this thread that dungeons and BGs/Arenas are very different and shouldn’t be treated the same in regards to their design, in or outside their respective instances.


Then you would only listen to the vocal minority. That has never been an issue historically. :crazy_face:

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I’m not implying anything about what anyone wants.
I’m pointing a flaw in logic that making decision based solely on a small segment of the population is poor judgement.
Keyword here being “solely”.
Polls are useful to a very limited extent because polls are easily manipulated, have a specific audience and are extremely limited in scope, especially when those polls are binary.

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OSRS uses in-game advertisement and voting for its polls, and gets quite a lot of responses. It’s usually also multiple issues at once.

Maybe Blizzard should try and do that instead of relying on, “data”.

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I agree 100%. Especially if they either shove it in people’s face or give an incentive for people to actually answer the poll.

Right. Instead, we have Blizzard, “hearing” us and putting in a game change that is absolutely going to be unpopular.

Blizzard’s communication has been among the worst (if not the worst) for at least a decade, but even this is just ridiculously out of touch.

For the most part, all we really have are the polls. And given they’re third party they’re not going to be as accurate as they can be, but generally do have some usefulness.

Traveling to dungeons isn’t fun. So by that logic your ok with rdf teleporting players to dungeons.

Really think you missed the sarcasm the OP was making. Both should be in the game. But for players or even blizz to claim one is bad but not the other is rather stupid.

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I had a two week forum suspension for calling someone a muffin.

a proper sample size only requires like 10% of the population up to like a thousand people, any poll that gets over a thousand votes is more than a valid representation of the community.

and “the most casual of players” are either too casual to care about dungeons and thus don’t care about LFD, or they would want LFD as it lets them do dungeons without having to invest in a bunch of time specifically for finding a group.

so bakery nicknames is a nono. good to know

Statistically yes, but there is always a large chance the metrics will be skewed if the polls are randomly sent out to all demographics in one batch and not targeted. By that I mean there is a highly probable chance that it the 10% that got the poll, could have been more from one side who lean one way or another on certain topics. If anything the best way to have handled the polls would have been Blizz send out an equal number of polls to all nationalities, genders and ages. Allowing each demographic group to get an equal amount of polls. With the number of players WoW has, 100,000 polls would have given accurate data. Instead they clearly didnt, hence then back stepping on their original comments on “what the community wants”.

Its actually embarassing to see who blizzard has chosen as members of the “community council”. Absolutely disgraceful picks.