Still think layering will be gone by phase 2?

Tell me that again in two weeks. Plus without layering, the queue would be 8k + 45k - 3k = 50k.

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Blizzard hasn’t merged realms in over 14 years. They won’t start with Classic. Logic 101.

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They need to do it in Retail right now.

This is more like ignorance 101 on Blizzard’s part.

Ah. So, a random forum goer knows how to better run a successful MMO than a multi-billion dollar game development company.

Makes perfect sense.

Ques are unavoidable, even with layering at the start. Only remedies to this are adding a lot more servers or increasing the cap to server load.

What? The problem is caused by layering to begin with.

I literally knew who was writing this garbage without looking at your character name. Every single thing you post is nonsense.

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It is common sense, they created crz to deal with dead realms and avoid taking names. At the same time crz destroyed the sense of community Vanilla WoW is remembered for. So since crz can’t be implemented for authenticities sake you merge dead realms or offer free character transfers or keep layering forever but layering isn’t authentic to begin with so…

If that’s the case, the problem was caused by layering to begin with. Why is this difficult to understand?

I think Ion doesn’t know how to run a multi billion dollar company honestly, look at where retail is now and his plan for Classic as examples :joy:

Oh boy, all these idiots saying they love Vanilla, but it doens’t stop you from crying like you’re owed something and doom saying at every other word, does it?

If you don’t like it, then don’t play, but do us all a favour and shut up.

We are consumers, so if Blizzard makes an official statement on a product than we owe it to ourselves to hold them accountable as soon as they start steering away from said product. Not doing that makes you a pushover.

Still the most played MMORPG on the market, so they have to be doing something right.

Have yet to see anything wrong with it. It’s turning out exactly as I had hoped. The Vanilla world, the Vanilla quests, with some modern conveniences like b-net, RCR, raid loot-trading, 1.12 as the base, layering… Nothing negative so far.

Layering needs to die during phase 1, 3 months in.

Early leveling zones will have stabilized by then.

That’s all kinds of needlessly aggressive. If you bought something, sure. But they gave plenty of notice about what their plans were. So either you’re dumb because you guys are crying about something that has or hasn’t even come to pass, and putting Blizzard on blast for it; or you’re dumb for subbing knowing full well it was offering an experience that you didn’t want.

Just because you buy a blender with features you didn’t like, doens’t mean the company owes you a refund. Stop buying crap you don’t like.

At the end of the day, this thread was started and is kept going by morons making assumptions on something that hasn’t even released and therefore Blizzard couldn’t possibly even be responsible for what they said about layering’s longevity. So again, grow up and stop being stupid.

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Fearlina crash and burn?

Fearlina is the best server of all of the east coast pvp servers.

Yup, I still expect layering to be gone by phase two. I trust Blizzard.

If you’re on an insanely high population realm get ready to wait in hours long queues for a few months or transfer.

Their statement was that they would create an authentic vanilla wow experience, that is not what we’re getting. So of course tourist like you defend them when they start steering away from what Vanilla was and add in qol features.

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I’ve been playing 15 years, but I know that idiots like you played Private servers and had the gall to tell Blizzard how THEIR game played. This isn’t 2005, and if you honestly thought that you would get a 1:1 recreation, then you’re a bigger loser then I thought.

You’re still crying over something that’s pretty faithfully recreated. What QoL changes are there? What’s got your panties so wadded that you feel obligated to cry this much?

If you played back then, than you know layering didn’t exist. Rcr didn’t exist, trade loot didn’t exist. So you also understand that this isn’t authentic but still swallow it up because you are a pushover.

Also, feedback isn’t whining.

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