I don’t think anyone else does… keep up with your community you are already making changes on a weekly basis, make this one to save your game’s pvp.
I don’t think anyone else does… keep up with your community you are already making changes on a weekly basis, make this one to save your game’s pvp.
What changes do you suggest. So far everything brought forward would either not change anything or is unacceptable to solo players.
solo queue vs premade queue wouldnt solve this garbage?
The crying will never stop. Cry about premades? Ok you can only que with a max of 5. Cry about 5 mans? Ok fine can only solo que. Cry about one team having healers and the other doesn’t. Ok we introduce role que. Cry about long que times for x role…the rabbit hole never ends. People will never be pleased.
But the queueing will
Its not an argument really, anyone that actually PvPs knows no one is queueing for BGs between pre-mades and the retail damage modifier.
They turned ranking into a participation trophy, ruined cohesion, and now BGs are only done as a means to and end. Its just alts. You pre-made til you get what you need, then stop touching it entirely because its not fun lol.
Lol it most definitely wont especially since items and honor are tied behind bgs.
I and many others are still solo queing. 60 some bgs are up as we speak.
Yeah bud guess you missed the point. You do the BGs til you get those things, then stop until you make an alt that needs those things.
Its all alts lol.
Who are you talking to?
Who’s against premades existing at all? LOL, everyone I’ve seen just wants a separate que for solo and premade, who loses there? The people who want to pub stomp?
Just because you stop or ur group of buddies doesn’t mean everyone.
Personally idc either way. Just pointing out no matter what people will find something to complain about
Perfect is the enemy of good enough
Betterment and improvement is what most are seeking. Your post says nothing.
Yeah but when you have a particularly large group of people complaining about a single thing, you can eliminate one of the things people are complaining about. Nobody has the courage to say they love pub stomping and want it back in the game so separating the premade and solo que would be incredibly uncontroversial.
I just want to iterate that im not against separating ques. What im getting at is, since 2004 this community, anything relating to pvp, has never been satisfied. We been through these phases. Looks like we going through it again.
These posts are not striving for perfection. And most mature people understand that Perfect is the enemy of good enough. People are asking for reasonable changes here.
The frequency and and intensity of these posts should make it obvious something is wrong and the player base is unhappy with the current system. There are a number of ways to improve the issue and the devs are hoping people just suck it up and deal with it. This is not a good attitude for any business.
No, premades would leave the premade queue and coordinate queue solo.
premades arent even fun, you dont get to pvp, the opposing team always afk dead in the gy. no one wants to feed HKs. its insanely boring, and thats because classic players dont pvp for pvp, they do it for the gear. i bet if none of the rank/rep rewards were worth getting, we’d see less premades, tho they would still exist.
BGs are fine. Join a premade. Live the good life.
What good life? running as a premade is stomping pugs most of the time, which is just as boring as being farmed as a pug vs pre.
It’s so incredibly rare to get a competitive game because, like its been said, people dont play wsg for fun atm, its just a grind. (this is SoD)
I was in a premade last night that ran for 4-5 hours. Almost every one of our games was against a premade. We lost 1 game all night and that was only because we dropped the flag and gave it to them after a 15 minute 0-0 stalemate.
The good life is playing with a competitive group of players who communicate and work together to win no matter what the opposition throws at you. PuGing with randoms and trying to communicate via text is not nearly as fun. You’re sabotaging your own experience by not looking for a premade group, then you’re complaining about it on the forums. Makes no sense.