Would really like to see some glyphs added to Evoker in a patch or by War Within. Something for changing Living Flame to green for Preservation would be nice. Change your Visage form shifting visual effect from life magic to bronze/blue/black/green.
I have to wonder whether the hero talent system will bring about more cosmetic options as well. Either way, it would be nice to have some more visuals to play with. I’ve been wanting more bronze and blue effects for various spells.
I was just thinking about this as I was soaring around. My dracthyr’s name, xmog, and visual is for a specific dragonflight. IT would be neat to get different glyphs for the different dragonflights with soar. Maybe Bronze could have a small sand trail for example? Green could have flowers? Etc etc. Seems like low hanging fruit that Blizz could capitalize on for this. My 2 cents anyway.
as Soar will likely remain a Racial ability I doubt that it gets glyphs.
Of course that is dependent if Dracthyr get other classes
Was just giving an idea for a current ability they could use. Regardless there is a first time for everything. Remember when everyone said Blizz has never given a new spec mid expansion and Aug wouldn’t happen?
They should make a glyph that permanently keeps you in human form.
Same issue as with soar.
Visage and soar will likely be racial
And there are no glyphs for whole races.
What would I give for more void effects as Voidelf.
I would love glyphs that switched my spells to bronze colors. I see bronze npcs casting that disintegrate channel with sandy effects all the time.