Still Loyal to Sylvanas

as someone who’s still loyal to Sylvanans and believes in her, I hate having to do quest in Shadowlands with Jiana and Thrall


I hated having to just suddenly befriend jaina and help the alliance king. Screw those guys. I felt like we should have ignored those 2 and moved on as horde players


"It’s all out war between Horde and Alliance!’

“Now everyone hold hands and work as a team!”



Even as an alliance player I roll my eyes to that. The game is kinda alliance driven since Dazar’Alor


Id rather run with Jaina and Anduin. At least with them I know Im running with Alliance.

With Thrall and Baine, Im just running around with two who make me wanna throw up in my mouth.

And yes OP Im still a Banshee loyalist too.


Don’t worry, it’s all part of Sylvanas’s plan.


Loyalist here as well, though it does feel weird to wear this Undercity tabard, considering she smoked the place. My life for the banshee queen tho.


Blizzard shot themsevles in foot with the BFA plotline.

They fractured horde between sylvanas fans and saurfang fans.

this further broke down to horde again needing alliance help vs horde actually being the horde.

damned if they do and damned if they dont.

Their big mistake was they had no way to carry the choices after the xpac.

Did you side with Sylvanas and help murder tons? GG alls forgiven.

thats the bad part.

Jaina didnt forgive horde for Garrosh’s action.

Tyrande didnt forgive horde for Sylvanas action.

Greymane didnt forgive Undead.

How did they assume ppl would be fine with this choice being ignored?


Surprised you have an opinion about something you clearly know you don’t have any control over?

I wondered about this ever since I did the quest where you get to pick a side

I remember thinking “Am I going to be an enemy going back into orgrimmar?” “Are other horde going to know, or teat my character differently??”

Nope, nothing. Just some occasional “for the dark lady” whispers from forsaken NPCs

In Shadowlands, if she ends up being a raid boss, does she show as friendly to you? Or does she just try to kill you anyway even though you sided with her?

I think the ability to take a side should’ve never been an option

For Sylvanas!


Tbh I’m tired of grouping with Jaina/ Thrall/ Lor’themar. Give some of the other leaders some spot light! Where’s my boi Velen.

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Tbh they should just make Sylvy loyalists the trash mobs in the inevitable raid.