Still Hunter Torghast powers feel bad

The most frustrating thing is trying to solo a 5 star run as MM. No pet hp increases. No misdirect cd powers. Like… our damage doesnt scale at all and you have to try and kite everything cause your pet gets gibbed. Power suck rectum compared to the other classes I play and I can’t even pug cause the autoloot lags OCE players like me into the abyss.

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I have 0 pve gear and 5 star every 12 so far with very little issue as Venthyr. There’s actually not many of the epic powers I would rather take over 100% kill shot dmg / the misdirection pet dmg one/ 15% dmg hunters mark, etc. the only epic power I miss being able to take is the one that has a passive heal and gives 15% stats but I rarely see that one drop anyways.

I think hunter powers are fine at least for Venthyr BM. Can’t speak for the others

Edit **. I’ve seen people also talking about powers being great for the floors but not boss dmg, I’ve found I have to make my build evenly with boss dmg in mind. Is my dps on mobs fine? Ok well I’m not taking this power bc it does nothing for boss dmg, etc. You have to put some planning into it. Floor 3 you see it’s an easy boss? Take non boss powers…you see it’s a caster boss? Take anti caster powers, and so on

Lastly I noticed someone mention getting the tar trap powers. If you’re forced to take a tar trap radius power or traps reduce enemy dmg, etc you have to make it a priority to getting the soul forge ember power up so it’s not completely useless, I hate the SFE/tar trap power ups with a passion but if you get trap ones and get to 3rd floor and SFE ember is an option I’d def take it. Try to turn these terrible builds into something useful.

If my PvP only self can 5 star 12s no issue I’m certain you can

Best BM power is the Eyes of the Beast one that gives +500% damage to first pet attack Ran Mort Regar this week with a buddy’s 233 geared Frost Mage.

its pretty good from a dps standpoint However its time consuming, awkward, jarring visually plus requires a few bonus AP’s This run I had +50% to pet damage with MD active, +damage to trapped NPC to really shine, and topped off with 2x HM de buff.

Allso like to add EotB has no synergy with Wild Spirits so many of our other Meh to good AP’s require a specific time consuming set up to get best outcome.

MY KC’s were hitting for over 140-150K each. My total was 750K + on floor 5 boss Might have gotten 3 maybe 4 EotB KC’s off on whole fight, Frost Mage friend’s overall damage on final Boss was over 1.50 Mill Boss had 2.4 million HP if I am remembering correctly it melted fast.
I joked with buddy told him if I got the +to MD target and the damage reduction to MD target I was going to MD to him not my pet at start especially for Melee mobs he took the knock back AP most times and frost Nova’d them they then died in the ice cubes…

But still we are quite underpowered even with top shelf AP’s compared to other classes. at best we are a great support class.

Sounds like RNGesus favors you. I’ve literally had runs with ZERO damage increasing powers. I get tar trap bigger, tar trap slower, misdirection reduces damage, phantasma gives a shield, increase phantasma, free phantasma, traps reduce damage… and the biggest kick in the pants ability - Yel’shir’s Powerglove - which stacks up a decent MELEE strike.

When RNGesus spits on me like that, the only way to finish the run is turn off Growl, drop huge traps and kite bosses for 5 minutes.

That being said, the issue I have with Hunter Torghast powers is the number of them that don’t increase power when compared to other classes. I’ve never run Torghast on my Shaman or Priest without the majority of my choices being +damage.


Literally my biggest problem in Torghast as a Resto Shaman is pulling aggro off of my Earth Elemental…and that’s WITH a permanent Earthquake.


If I get unlucky, my Shaman and Priest will do 50-60k dps on the end boss - 200k if I get lucky. Unlucky on Hunter and I’m doing 8k dps and 60k if I’m really lucky. The difference is massive.


Shaman powers are just unbelievably powerful tbh… Huge damage boosts, can lust twice per floor, can increase haste buff from lust to upwards of 60% & the list goes on.

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I have to post a positive experience from last night. Venthyr BM Hunter and was fed Flayed Shot and Kill Shot anima powers plus the 50% damage increase to MD targets and KC damage increase. I was popping balloons last night.

Had a run last night, just as always very bad Amina powers, my overall DPS was like 13K but an Arcane Mage had like a 24K overall DPS with over 80K DPS on the last boss.
You need to be really really lucky to get a good combo and do great damage.

Went into Torghast yesterday after not having been in it for several months. Didn’t realize they changed the pet food power to be a permanent effect on your pet. Had it stacked to 25 by the end of my run, my pet was bigger than most of the bosses and was had a 275% increase in damage.

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