For those unaware blizzard has changed the FoS achievement they added back in DF that would give you a tier token, to now instead give a catlyst charge. Then backed this decision by saying “oh well you can just find a piece of gear to use to catalyze, instead of being able to pick a specific slot.”
This change, is absurdly bad, while in theory an extra charge can be a equivocal gain, the reality is that for a lot of players it will prove to be more of a hinderance over a gain. Given before you got a guaranteed heroic level tier token, now you have to take the extra step of not only farming out a piece of gear from the raid or M+ to catalyze. You also have to deal with getting a piece of gear that aligns with the tier pieces or tokens you’ve gotten since the season started. Over again the previous system of being able to pick a specific piece of gear that made it much easier and better to complete your tier set.
Please consider reverting this, this is simply not a good idea, and in the grand scheme of things will be a bigger hinderance for a lot of players, over a gain.
By the time a lot of people got this, they have already gotten full teir. This change only affects the few that get this piece early on.
Tons of people get KSM the first week or two. It’s basically a participation trophy.
They’re making this change to force more raiders back into M+, since AOTC will go from giving a piece of gear to giving a catalyst charge you’ll need to use on a piece of gear from M+ (since M+ is where the overwhelming majority of gear comes from, for raiders).
Don’t worry they’ll probably change it back in S3 after enough players complain all of S2.
These guys have to learn the hard way.
Which I don’t think is a good idea at all, forcing people to do content that they already dislike has never worked for the game.
Breaking the backs of raiders to puff up participation stats on other stuff has worked for Blizzard for years, from M+ to AP farming to scenarios in MoP.
It’s why they deliberately make it so that raiding - but ONLY raiding - won’t cap you on whatever the current thing is. Everything else you can cap out just by doing what you want.
Seems like a really bad change.
Also shouldn’t be AOTC if it’s KSM. KSM = clearing normal.
The M+ achievements have always been easier than the raid versions.
It’s by design like brewa has pointed out, you have two really hard options, challenger and AotC, with one easy option being KSM which can be done in one week now thanks to the changes they made to how score works.
Can use the charge for mythic
Have to do content that gives heroic, which you’d already be doing if you are getting this achievement.
Ain’t that the truth. Learning things the hard way is their “meaningful choice“.
yea the change feels like a response to a developer problem when the players were perfectly happy with the system as is.
its not really a huge deal for me, ill just get a fodder piece to catalyze but its just an extra step that feels completely unnecessary. i dont get what they are achieving by doing this