Still can't delete dead character who apparently has mail

Can you just make it so that dead players can still interact with mailboxes or something? Even if you just straight up made people able to send and receive mail while dead, would that really break hardcore? Plus it would solve this issue. I really wanna use the name that I wanna use but currently cannot remake my shaman because of this mail issue.

It would. If I can send all of my belongings to another toon, then my next hardcore run just became that much easier. They said that they are working on it and that it may take time. In the meantime, I’m just here spam sending 1c letters to everyone who’s rude to me in chat.


Nah not all your belongings, being able to have basically “heirloom” bags or whatever would be bad and I agree. I just mean being able to “return” mail. But definitely not send gold or items or such.

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Ah yeah this I like. Guess i’ll have to find another way to inconvenience my foes.

Yeah, there was a pinned warning about this up top for a few days, and then Blizz apparently stopped wanting to draw attention to this problem and swept it under the rug.

During beta, they said transferring characters to another server would clear the mail, but apparently that’s not the case now. I can’t believe they launched like this, to be honest. Permanently losing character names and character slots is unacceptable.

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I think the very nature of hardcore will be quite niche though. I suspect something like 90% of initial playerbase will die off (literally and figuratively) and after about a month the people truly interested will still be around.

Heck I might be one myself. If I hit 60 I doubt I will push content tbh.

if i got to 60 I’d stop playing tbh.

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id say be able to sell, and collect mail, my last 3 warriors died with auctions rolling and bags full of stuff.
currently i just send my greens/mats/silver and gold to my bank alt whenever i go into town or reach 30+ silver or have alot of mats on me.
but ultimately it really wouldnt matter if you can send your stuff to an alt while your dead since my method does the same thing i just loose the gear im wearing.

My goal is to sometime hit 60 then maybe transfer off to a classic era realm

I have no desire to dungeon or raid HC, but HC really makes leveling fun


Blizz needs to re-sticky their original message from a few days ago about this issue taking some time to resolve. And they need to leave the message stickied for as long as it takes to rectify this problem.

Transfer, then delete?

You can’t transfer with mail.

Dying on HC should automatically delete any mail the character has. Problem solved.

:man_facepalming: lol… Seems like a SNAFU.

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They -could- make it so you have to talk to the Spirit Rez so she can delete all your mail, if you have any.

Open a ticket?

Says it was hotfixed here.