Sticking with a main for someone with adhd

Hey everyone! I have a problem and want some advice on what to do or if you had a similar situation how did you solved this. Basically I have adhd and it makes it so damn frustrating to stick with a class or character, I have leveled so many alts that I have like 6 lvl 80 and the rest of the classes at a minimum of 70, some of them repeated between horde and alliance. Even sticking with a faction feels like a big choice since I have played both since wod, and I have this weird need to have all my alts on the same faction, but sticking with a class is even worse, unless I play with friends which is not happening in this expansion. So I will try paladin and say hell yeah I love how it feels and looks, then get bored of the rotation and say I will play dk, then get bored of it and say I will play mage, then it frustrates me because too much time to master the rotation then go to rouge, and so on, then start leveling alts, and it is keeping me away from finally enjoying some pvp and mythic +, then I say I wanna tank, then I wanna try healer and so on. Is like the grass is always greener on the other side, any advice on how to get pass this phase? Having friends to play used to help but now I am on my own and stuck in this cycle lol. Thanks all who read this and answered

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Honestly, sticking with one class isn’t even how the game is played anymore.

For MMOs, the design intent is shifting balance/imbalance to keep things interesting. This ‘dynamic balance’ is necessary because perfect, chess-like balance would make the living world vibe of an MMO stagnate quickly.

We used to see buff/nerf cycles at a slower cadence. We now have seasonal metas. Almost everyone I play with either plays 3-ish classes or changes each season.

I have every class at 80 and over 50 characters at 70. The race/class/faction choices for an altoholic have had the better of me for many years. I do not have ADHD.

Just have fun, no matter what that means for you. I have one class I raid heroic/AoTC with, one I PvP with, and every other class (plus the other two :P) I do Queen on LFR for a (very small) chance at the mount. I have everyone in 4 pc and I promise you that if you have all the bases covered, you’ll find your favourites fast!


Thank you for answering, is good to read that, when I played with friends or guilds I always stuck with one because of the pressure they put on me to just pick one and every time they see me logged in another character they sent me messages like, another one? Please stop and pick a main!. But for me it is so fun to try and learn other classes and see how they look as different races haha

If your friends are having a problem with how many characters you’re playing, it’s their problem. Play as many classes or characters as you want to. I know people who have a roster of all warriors or all druids. I know people who have one of each class. I know people who have 1 character and that’s it. All of those play styles are fine.

You can gear one, several or none. Do what content is fun for you. That’s the important thing :slight_smile:


As someone with both autism and ADHD, this is a totally understandable feeling. We won’t talk about how many alts I have. I go through phases as well. But, if you enjoy the game by switching characters any time you get bored? Then switch characters any time you get bored. No one should be telling you how to have fun.

When the time is right and you find the right ‘fit,’ you’ll know. Until then, just enjoy the game as you have been.


Thank you! is good to hear this instead of what my friends are saying, at the end of the day is a game and we are here to have fun!


I have tons of alts myself, and even several guilds for my alts, and I try and mask my ADHD by adopting some OCD principles. I try and have specific characters based on their race or class or profession be guild leaders of a specific guild bank. Then I try and have those specific guild banks hold specific items.

A lot of my alts also are connected in character in some ways. Some of them are villains working against my other alts. I am kind of riding with a couple friends, but they got their own stuff going on too. Find some friends any way you can, and keep trying. That is what I am doing. Still haven’t figured it out, but I am having fun seeing all my characters in their armor, and working on their TRPS, and to me that is enough and brings me joy. I just prefer doing certain quests or content on specific characters, and if that isn’t the meta. I really don’t care, but I am having a blast with it.


This made me feel better and not alone! haha, hopefully one will click with me one day, for now I am just going to have fun in my own way, lets get those alts and make them look cool! xD


Over time, I shifted to playing either just one or two characters per game, mostly just one. If I play another toon on WoW, Sadgati is simply on sabbatical just as though I am playing another game all together. Playing multiple characters at once just dilutes the progress of all characters; that is just due to time being limited.

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I legit haven’t played my Warlock since like Korthia of Shadowlands, and decided to dust him off and level him up with the anniversary event cause Undermine is coming out, and I gotta get my Goblin feels in again. That is the beauty of having multiple alts.


I stick with one main for each tier/patch. Hitting 2k ranking or AOTC with one class is my permission to try something new.

If you play with a consistent raid group, it’s polite to stick with one character for the entire tier. But no one says you can’t change between tiers. And if you don’t go into raids or high level dungeons, then it really doesn’t matter if you have an alt fleet. You can also have different alts for different purposes.

Late to the party but just going to be blunt: You have ADHD. That means sometimes your brain finds joy in the things you do in a fundamentally different way than some others do. This does not mean the way you play the game is wrong — embrace what is making you happy in your free time and your friends need to realize we all have our brain monkeys to handle. As long as you’re managing your ADHD to a point that you’re healthy/happy and no one’s boundaries are being crossed or feelings hurt around you, it’s more a them than you thing.

ADHD really does not factor in at all. Just play the game EXACTLY the way you like it. I GMed an Ark cluster for 4 years and the message that always popped up when players logged in was “There is no right nor wrong way to survive on the Ark…” . The same can be said for WoW for there is no right or wrong way to play it.

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