Stepped out to grab food. Came back and now have an hour queue

When can we expect the queues to lessen? Server transfers seemed to have little to no effect and the queues only seem to be getting longer

It will only get worse when layering is removed.


The only way to avoid DC is by putting a weight on the forward key, I use McCormick’s pepper glass container

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Doesn’t that only work if you’re actually moving now? Pretty sure I’ve seen complaints of people still getting DC’d while they were running into a wall.

Worked for me and I was gone for 2 hours.

Maybe your server lost a layer.

I’ve been in queue for 3 hours. after moving my character every 10 mins earlier during dinner to only come back to a disconnect.

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what food did u get


You got what you deserved for putting food above the game. WoW is the only sustenance you need, fool!


You are brillant

This is categorically incorrect. Layering has no impact on server queue times.

Some accounts seem to be flagged, getting DCed randomly even if you are actively at your computer watching a video or something and you are idle to long moving around in a small area. I can play all day in instances no issues but if I go to an inn and move around, I start to get DCed after a very short amount of time. This plagued my leveling process and still happens even now if I am eating or taking a break and want to stay logged in.

This has happened to several other people I know.

If this is true why did blizzard say they expect exrreme queues when layering is removed?

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I think we’ll see more servers added and existing servers improved in fairly short order. Blizzard may have gone into this thinking WoW Classic was a niche-aimed passion project and a publicity boost for retail, but it’s becoming clearer that it is a main attraction in its own right. They can’t ignore $$$ forever, no matter how stubborn.

Can you please quote this source for reference?

Layering should have no impact on queues because it does not impact maximum server capacity. It should only impact how many people with whom you can interact in one zone.

And no. You are confusing sharding and layering. Layering makes copies of the world so a realm rhat could normallu have a cap of 3k now has 3k per layer.

Sharding is what splits up the population per zone

My mistake then, my non-ICT background is showing.

No worries, im just trying to stop the spread of misinformation.

Either way, come phase 2 herod, faerlina, and others are going to be a nightmare

Yaay, Whitemane…