My steel series wow mouse buttons are not working anymore. They worked prior to 11.0. Left and right mouse buttons work properly, but the extra mouse buttons do not.
Same here. Its an old Cata WoW mouse, but with every big patch or Xpac “/console enableWoWMouse 1” would always work, but not this time.
Exactly the same for me. I went into the Config file to confirm it was set in there.
SET enableWowMouse “1” was there.
Do you have the mouse software installed, and if set give focus to a text box and then start hitting the extra buttons does it type anything?
My G600 suddenly started needing its drivers a few weeks ago. I used to be able to get buy with it’s default behavior of the thumb pad working like a numpad and binding abilities to it that way.
I wonder how long this will take to resolve
Getting the same issue.
Same catamouse it’s not working
“/console enableWoWMouse 1”. Not working anymore
Freaking sucks. I hope that they get it fixed.
I am using one too. Do you have the software for the mouse installed? Still available from steelseries.
I never turn it on within the game, instead I went to the mouse software and just set the extra button to #'s so if I click them in say notepad, I just see 1,2,3,4 etc so the game as far as it’s concerned I am using just the # keys on a keyboard and my mouse is working fine.
I do have the software installed. I may have to try what your saying
Are you using the Cataclysm mouse or the Legendary one? I tried to do what you said, but the software for the Legendary mouse doesn’t seem to let me assign any buttons to numbers or any keyboard keys. It will let me assign “game commands” like action bar functions, but that’s useless because the game still fails to recognize the buttons themselves.
Legendary. I remember I had a pain setting it up again when I had to replace my Hard drive last year. At first it wouldn’t let me either. I can’t remember what I did to make it work though.
So I looked at my software. I do not check “Enable in game mode”
I set the buttons to things like “Action Button 8” “Action Button 11” etc and in note pad my PC just thinks i’m hitting # keys
WoW works with my SteelSeries Aerox 9. Then again I’m using normal numpad mapping on it and the mouse doesn’t need an application open for it to work as intended.
OK, so I figured out how to bind keys to my mouse. In the mouse software, I choose the button I want to remap, then click “custom macros” > “new” > “text(auto delay)”, name the macro and click on the box under that. I hit the key that I want bound to the mouse button, then hit “OK”, then “Apply”. Now I can keybind those mouse buttons in-game no prob. The game recognizes the button, but instead of listing it as, say Mouse Button 12, it registers it as “J” or w/e key I chose. It’s not quite as user-friendly as before, but it’s a good enough workaround for now. I hope this helps you all.
Anyway you can show an example as to how you made these keys. I tried it but I think I did it wrong.
Same here, legendary steelseries
Same here. Steelseries Wow Cataclysm MMO Mouse. No buttons beyond 5.
Still not working here.
My left and right mouse buttons stopped working since Pre-patch.
Disgusting that Blizzard would remove support for official accessories.