Steamwheedle Cartel Horde Reconnections

Hey there your name sound very familiar i played a priest Swiftwind, Hunter Truestryke, and my sister a mage Rayel. but i pretty sure we joined in TBC under Necro as GM…

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Hey there, played a troll Hunter known as Niconar back in the day with a smaller guiild “Guards of Honor” Looking for my old friends Knemie a troll shaman, Fallow, Rokhan and a couple others.

Tauren Druid named Ikiris~ Ran around with Thunderbrew from end of classic through Burning Crusade.

I played as an Undead Priest named Cade. Hoping to find some old friends!

I have a list of a few of us on a Facebook thread but thats it. I’m still looking as well.

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We all playing on Bloodsail?

Yep. Ill be on bloodsail.

Name: Grolki
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman
Guild: Crimson Blood Clan

Crimson was my first real raiding guild and I remember going through UBRS and some other raids. Good times.

Hello, Zortula of Da Mojo still running with Joe the Gorilla on Steamwheedle Cartel. We are going to set up on Bloodsail in Classic with friends from the guild Train of Ouel’dori server. We would love to reconnect with old friends and meet some new ones. Will edit or add to this info when we choose a guild name for the Classic guild. Good Hunting!

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/waves I remember you

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Hey Euros… can’t say I remember you in particular, but I was one of the alliance rerolls (Martyrdom/Drama) that helped create Dreadstorm (I remember Arthonis rerolled and became Torkinar, there we a few others whose horde names slip me (Decessus and Auzzin were ally to horde rerolls as well, those were their ally names) and Mikael led raid… you keep in touch with anyone? Once server xfers brought the full t2 guild and the guild with the AQ40 key, a good number of us straight quit (I think I left for the Warhammer mmo a little later).

BTW I was Kigro (tauren enhancement shaman who would routinely be wearing his t1 healing gear with his TUF in core). Rolling grobbulus Ally side (Checked one derp spec off the list, Ret paladin is next XD) with a solid 6-7 man crew, you’re more than welcome to join if you don’t have a squad yet and were playing ally.

Auros, Undead Mage, Honorbound

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I ran into Tork here on Moon Guard at the start of BC, he was playing a Darenei shaman, but i lost touch after a while. Azubah came over to MG for a while too aside from the 2 or 3 others that soaked into Martyrs Blood with me, i dont remember seeing anyone else.

Yeah, i remember those tweebs killing everything we worked for. I was a resto druid back then. Actual factual resto.

Playing Horde side on Bloodsail as Euros/Ghostmane though, if anyone else is around.

I vaguely remember the Enh shaman that Mikel and Tork were always yelling at to get back and heal.

I wasnt with the reroll, though. I was on SWC. Raethe hounded me day in and day out after running a few dungeons with me. I was there to help summon and kill the guy to start the war campaign, and joined shortly after.

So my first toon ever (and still my main to this day) was Anaias. First guild was Benevolence. Where yall at? :slight_smile:

Yup, that was me that Mikel and Tork were always yelling at XD. Originally, Tork and I were part of Martyrdom and were day 1 SWC alliance (back when I was useful and played fury war), and after a merge with Geist we had half of core cleared when Enders 40 decided to start doing something. I forget exactly what happened, but there was some bad blood between our GM and the GM of Geist (something about him getting jealous that one of his officers that he had a crush on started developing a thing for our GM, ah teenage online drama). Most of the Martyrdom crew at that point rerolled horde, but only a few made it to 60.

Maybe there was some bad blood with us and the alliance in general because 2 weeks into the fresh server we trained Teremus to Stormwind and caused a server reset, then wrote a 2 page rp post and made a fraps video…but who is to say? =P

Also, nice… now that you mention Azubeh, I’m starting to remember a little more (primarily that Ugra, Hekateh, and Azubeh were the “real” shamans, and I was just the guy going for hand of rag that everyone tolerated because he wasn’t taking any gear and Tork and I went back =).

Wish you the best on bloodsail friend, after I gave Emerald Dream a try and fell in love with pvp ruleset servers I can’t go back.

Sundrifter/Sivear/Tailea were my characters. I was in:

Shattered Oath
Scarlet March/Scarlet Crusade

Missing old friends! I’ll still be Sundrifter in game :slight_smile:

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I remember the Tristram and Solstace days with I think Agogi. (don’t remember if I spelled that right.) And yes surprisingly I remember Karpit. Had a lot of fun raiding TBC and Wrath with you guys. After Solstace fell apart I took a break, played a little bit in cata and started raiding again in Warlords travel to a few different servers. Don’t know which server etc im going to play on classic. Might wait till servers start to stabilize before make a hard decision.

Shuraa! Awesome, I was Layr in MB UD Priest!

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Nah, Azubah was a warlock. I cant remember a whole lot of names from DS. Or any guild from vanilla for that matter. 40+ names is a lot to remember, x3 or 4 guilds across 2 servers. Bleh. And ive slept since then.

Come to think of it, i believe I was telling someone about the raid where Mikel and Tork let you enhance, and let the Ferals go cat because we had too many healers on. They got a kick out of it.

Layr! Omg! No post on forum, you go fahm diahmawww!!