Anyone have an idea of what happens to an existing library if I change my store region from US to EU?
I know region locked stuff becomes unavailable, but how on earth do I find out if stuff’s region locked? I just want to be able to use my Swedish bank card to pay for stuff. T.T lol
I guess you have your reasons for using a Swedish account to pay for things while posting on a USA forum - but can’t you just transfer your funds to your USA bank?
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I moved from the US to Sweden in 2017. My WoW account was opened in 2004 when I lived in Pennsylvania. Of course I’m still playing NA.
My US Steam account is hooked to a dwindling PayPal account and I’m looking to cut out that middleman. I pay stupid amounts of money to transfer between US and SE banks so I’d rather just change my store region and use my SE card instead, but I don’t want to lose access to my library, hence why I’m asking.
I checked Steams website and the “i’ve moved countries or travelling” options are throwing an error page.
Thought maybe there’s another gamer here in the off topic forum that might have an idea.
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Are you staying there permanently?
Maybe just cheaper to change and see what happens, re-buy the games you really want to buy.
Yeah, permanent move.
Library isn’t that large, but I’m leery on it anyway. Might just do it anyway.
Only really need to re-buy a few. Go get the rest elsewhere.